4 Natural Remedies Against Allergies

Eucalyptus, lemon and basil act 100% in the treatment of allergies without causing unwanted effects
4 natural remedies for allergies

Many people suffer from allergies at least a couple of times a year. If you have already tried everything and are not very inclined to drugs, we present 4 natural remedies for allergies, which you can always use. 

The allergic reaction occurs when the immune system responds in an exaggerated way to some substances present in the body: the latter are allergies.

The immune system helps protect and defend the body from foreign agents but, at times, it overreacts to certain substances or elements that can be considered normal.

It is also important to know that there are various types of allergies and that these have repercussions that must be treated individually. We present a series of them. The main types of allergies are:

  • Food
  • Provoked by insects
  • Seasonal
  • To the eyes
  • Caused by latex intolerance

Some of these can be cured by using one of these home remedies. We therefore show you a series of small natural remedies for allergies, simple enough to put into practice, to treat them whenever they arise.

Natural remedies for allergies

1. Eucalyptus: a great ally to fight allergies

eucalyptus is one of the best natural remedies for allergies

It is famous for its great expectorant power. In America, as in other regions of the world, people usually boil and inhale eucalyptus leaves to relieve allergies and colds.

In addition, an oil is obtained from these which can be massaged on the chest and which helps to clear the respiratory tract. Eucalyptus also has a mucolytic and decongestant effect. 

Contains lemongrass, which provides analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. This also works as an expectorant, helping to purify the body of harmful toxins and microorganisms that act as allergens.

Importantly, eucalyptus oil serves as an effective treatment against upper respiratory tract infections by preventing (or considerably limiting) the permanence of infectious agents.

2. Apple cider vinegar

apple cider vinegar, one of the natural remedies for allergies

Apple cider vinegar is excellent for reducing mucosity by relieving the respiratory tract. According to Natural Standard, it is commonly used for sore throats, sinusitis and colds. But be careful: you have to take two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar 3 times a day, diluted in a cup of water, avoiding excesses.

You can prepare it as many times as you deem it necessary. Remember that there are no contraindications associated with the use of these natural remedies. It will be up to you to try them out and see if your allergic condition improves.

3. Lemon juice

lemon juice

Lemon juice helps drain the lymphatic system and overcome respiratory problems. Its daily consumption fights the growth of bacteria and stimulates the immune system.

You can use both the juice and the zest, adding a little water and steaming it at home to disinfect the environment. Its essential oil can kill bacteria and eliminate allergy triggers found in the air. The result will be an absolute benefit obtained from both the concentrated juice and its zest (oil).

4. Essential oil of basil

basil reduces the inflammatory response of allergens


Basil essential oil reduces the inflammatory response of allergens. Furthermore, it is compatible with the adrenal glands involved in the production of more than 50 hormones that stimulate almost all bodily functions.

Doing so helps the body to react promptly in the face of a threat, causing blood to flow to the brain, heart and muscles. In addition, it helps detoxify the body of viruses and bacteria by  fighting inflammation, pain and fatigue.

Do not forget that the frequent use of basil has a 100% effective antimicrobial action against bacteria and fungi that can cause asthma and respiratory damage.

Try these natural allergy-free remedies and you will see your health improve dramatically.

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