4 Ways To Polish Parquet

Since wood is a material that tends to become dull in the absence of care, it is important to look for a suitable method to polish and maintain it over time.
4 ways to polish parquet

Polishing the parquet floor is one of the household chores that take away the most time ; however, you can use several methods to make it shiny without much difficulty.

If you let too much time go by without good maintenance, you may notice that, little by little, it loses its characteristic touch and elegance, as dirt will make it look dull and stained.

Furthermore,  the lack of wax accelerates the deterioration of the material  since, allowing the moisture to be absorbed more easily, the boards will tend to crack or twist.

What is the best way to polish the parquet floor ? While the use of traditional wax continues to exist, there are other interesting products that fulfill this same purpose.

At this juncture, we want to share with you 4 effective ways to best do this task,  so that you can use them when you want to see your parquet clean and shiny. Take note!

What should you use to polish the parquet floor?

There are several products on the market to polish your parquet floor. Traditional wax continues to be used for wooden floors; however, if the wood is particular, other varieties of products must be used.

Products for polishing parquet

If the floor is made of natural wood, and therefore not painted, linoleum or cork,  it is best to use liquid wax or oil.  It is not recommended to use this type of vinyl floor wax, with polyurethane finishes, which are not painted.

Another excellent alternative is the water-based silicone polish. This can be used for almost any type of flooring except cork, linoleum or unsealed wood flooring.

The paste wax can be used to give shine to linoleum, cork, concrete and unpainted floors; it should not be used on vinyl materials or with polyurethane finishes.

There are some homemade waxes that help to leave any wooden surface looking shiny and renewed. Their  use may vary depending on the recipe.

Effective ways to polish your parquet floor

If you already know which wax is best for your floor, the next step is to learn how to apply it correctly,  so that it leaves the material looking like new. You are ready? Get to work!

1. Liquid wax and oil

  • Clean the floor surface to remove any dirt and dust.
  • Moisten a soft cotton cloth with the liquid wax and rub it evenly on the ground.
  • When it finishes drying, sand it with a clean cloth or sander.
  • When you notice that only the nail polish remains, it is because it is already dry.
Parquet wax

2. Water based silicone polish

  • Sweep and mop the floor to remove dirt accumulated on the surface and between the boards.
  • Moisten a clean cloth and pour in a little silicone polish.
  • Apply a light coat on the wooden floor, avoiding the formation of bubbles.
  • When it is dry, sand the floor with a clean towel or sander.
  • After applying each layer, you have to wait for it to dry thoroughly, and then you can sand it again before applying another.

3. Paste wax

  • Sweep or vacuum before applying the product.
  • When it is clean and dry, moisten a soft cotton cloth that does not have lint on it.
  • Apply a little wax on the surface following the directions on the product label.
  • Let it dry and give it shine with a clean towel or sander.
  • When the surface appears veiled it is because the wax is dry.

4. Homemade recipe of wax and white spirit

If you opt to use a homemade product, we propose you to prepare  a simple recipe of  beeswax and white spirit, two ingredients with an oily consistency that leave the wood clean and shiny.

It is a preparation free from toxic chemical agents  that can be used for both floors and furniture that are starting to have a dull or stained appearance.


  • ¼ glass of grated beeswax (50 g).
  • ¼ glass of white spirit (62 mL).


  • Pour the grated beeswax into a heat-resistant container and put it to melt in a water bath.
  • When it starts to be liquid, turn it with a wooden spatula and gradually add the white spirit.
  • Stir until you get a homogeneous product and remove it from the heat.
  • Wait for it to rest at room temperature and store the product in a container with a screw lid.

Note:  If the smell of white spirit bothers you, you can add some essential oil to reduce it.

Application procedure

  • Clean the surface of the wooden floor and apply the amount of wax you consider necessary.
  • Rub it with a microfiber cloth until the desired shine is achieved.

Choose the most appropriate method for polishing your parquet floor and give it  the care it requires to maintain this attractive appearance.  As you can see, the way to do it is almost the same, only sometimes it varies depending on the wax you use.

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