5 Recipes To Fight Against Constipation

We explain how to take care of your diet to fight and defeat constipation
5 recipes to fight against constipation

Having to fight constipation is not only a very annoying health problem that affects the quality of life.

If it lasts for a long time, it can be the cause of many chronic and degenerative diseases as it causes an accumulation of toxins that filter into the bloodstream and therefore cannot be excreted from the body in a natural way.

In this article we offer you some recipes that, in addition to being simple and delicious, are highly laxative. You can therefore include them in your everyday menu to fight against constipation and stop suffering from this annoying problem.

Flaxseed bread to fight against constipation

This original recipe is more reminiscent of crackers or rusks rather than bread, but with the advantage of not containing flour. The dough of this bread is made with flax, a seed used to fight against constipation.


  • 300 grams of flax seeds
  • 2/3 of a glass of water
  • oregano or other spices to taste
  • a teaspoon of sea salt


1. Grind the flax for a few seconds so that the seeds remain on average ground. Add the salt, spices and water and mix everything well so that no lumps remain.
2. Roll out the mass on a baking sheet covered with baking paper.
3. Bake for 2 hours at 60 degrees so that the dough dehydrates.

This bread will allow you to accompany any type of aperitif, sauce, cream, etc.

Oat and cherry smoothie

Oats are one of the healthiest cereals there is and in this case it helps because it is very rich in soluble fiber, known as mucilage, which lubricates and softens the digestive tract, and improves intestinal transit. In addition, it also helps reduce cholesterol.

On the other hand, dried cherries contain up to 16 grams of fiber for every 100 grams, as well as other nutrients that stimulate the activity of the colon muscles.


  • 2 tablespoons of rolled oats
  • 3 dried cherries soaked for at least two hours
  • half a glass of water


Blend the ingredients well and, if you like, sweeten with a little honey. This smoothie is delicious and very energetic, and is ideal to drink in the morning.

smoothie to fight against constipation

Kiwi jelly

Kiwi is also one of the fruits that contains the most fiber and many people eat it on an empty stomach to fight constipation and evacuate more easily. In this case we propose this recipe in which we will use the agar-agar algae, a great intestinal regulator and regenerator.


  • 4 kiwis
  • 1 teaspoon of agar-agar powder
  • 2 glasses of water or fruit juice
  • natural sweetener (honey, brown sugar, panela, etc.)


1. Mash the kiwis using a fork or blend them if you prefer a more homogeneous consistency.
2. Dilute the agar-agar in the liquid, mix it with the kiwi and sweeten to taste.
3. Bring to a boil, stirring so as not to create lumps.
4. When it comes to a boil, remove from heat and let it cool in small glass cups.
5. Once warm, store them in the refrigerator.

Kéfir with berries

Kéfir is a type of fermented yoghurt that has all the benefits of yoghurt as well as additional advantages, such as the fact that it is digested more easily because it contains less lactose, and which improves the intestinal flora as it is a fermented food.

In this recipe we advise you to combine it with berries such as currants, raspberries and fresh blackberries as they are some of the richest fruits in fiber. They contain about 6-7 grams every 100. In this way you will make your breakfast or snack delicious and healthy.

bowl with currants

Lentil stew

Finally, we offer you a good plate of legumes as they are healthy, cheap and rich in vegetable proteins and fibers. Today, legumes are not very present in our diet, but they are undoubtedly one of the most complete foods.

The most nutritious and laxative way to eat legumes is by combining them with brown rice and vegetables. We advise you to prepare a sauté of onion and vegetables, then add some broth, lentils and brown rice. It is a very energetic dish ideal for cold days.

Images courtesy of: peet sneekes, robin lee and di.wineanddine

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