7 Foods That Help Boost Brain Activity

Eating tomatoes allows us to take in greater quantities of lycopene, a substance that improves brain function and prevents premature tissue degeneration.
7 foods that help boost brain activity

Do you know the foods to boost brain activity? The brain is our control organ and, together with the nervous system, it presides over cognitive functions and interaction with other organs.

It can get sick, like the rest of the body, and wears out and ages over the years.

The brain also  suffers in the presence of toxins and free radicals that can impair the activity of cells and tissues.

It is therefore very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and adopt habits that help protect its functions. Above all, it is good to take care of nutrition by  eating those foods that provide the necessary nutrients to make it work optimally.

Today we are talking about 7 foods that help boost brain activity , to be introduced regularly in the diet, especially if you are feeling mentally fatigued or if your memory is starting to get a little difficult.

Discover them with us!

1. Broccoli: great allies to boost brain activity

Broccoli to boost brain activity

Broccoli is one of those “super foods” that help boost brain activity. It provides an extra dose of antioxidants and protects the brain from cellular stress.

  • Broccoli, with their vitamins and minerals, stimulate the birth of new brain cells and strengthen neural connections. The result is a reduction in the risk of suffering from dementia and memory problems.
  • They also contain a good amount of choline, a nutrient that protects the membranes of the brain, improving its functions and capabilities.

2. Nuts

Besides being delicious, walnuts are a rich source of essential nutrients that can protect the delicate tissues of the brain.

  • They contain omega-3 fatty acids, so they  improve circulation and reduce inflammation; in this way an optimal oxygenation of the cells is ensured.
  • Vitamins B, E and magnesium reduce the risk of cognitive impairment and protect the nervous system by balancing the activity of neurotransmitters.

3. Turmeric

Boosting brain activity with turmeric

Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, acts as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. It protects the cells of the brain and reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

Turmeric strengthens brain function and, since it improves circulation, enhances the transport of nutrients and oxygen to the cells.

The vitamins and minerals offered by turmeric participate in the secretion of feel-good hormones and reduce stress and other emotional imbalances.

4. Tomatoes to boost brain activity

When it comes to protecting and improving brain functions, tomatoes are among the most recommended vegetables. Its antioxidants slow down cell damage caused by environmental free radicals.

Tomatoes also contain lycopene, a substance that helps prevent premature tissue wear.

Lycopene contributes, in general, to strengthen memory and increases our ability to deal with small everyday problems.

5. Pumpkin

Pumpkin in pieces

Many of us are not in the habit of bringing pumpkin to the table; however, it is good to know that it is a vegetable rich in substances useful for our cognitive health.

Contains folic acid, vitamin E and essential fatty acids, substances that help prevent brain loss and damage to the nervous system.

It has anti-inflammatory properties and is able to stimulate the transmission of information through nerve cells.

6. Spinach

Recommended for the prevention of a large number of diseases, spinach is a complete food. They help strengthen the electrical conductivity of the brain and the functions of the nervous system.

Thanks to their potassium supply, they help us to keep inflammatory states under control ; they improve memory and the activity of brain neurotransmitters.

Furthermore, the important quantities of folic acid, vitamin E and magnesium they contain, elements necessary for strengthening cell membranes and able to prevent dementia, should not be underestimated .

7. Banana to enhance brain activity

Bananas to boost brain activity

Banana is an energy food that can help improve brain function. It allows us to achieve optimal mental performance and therefore to carry out our daily activities well.

It is an interesting source of vitamins, minerals and fibers: it boosts memory and protects cells.

Thanks to its vitamin B and C content,  banana stimulates the natural production of serotonin and dopamine, two neurotransmitters associated with well-being and concentration.

So, are you ready to add them to your diet? Make these 7 foods an integral part of your diet. You will provide the brain with all the nutrients it needs to stay strong and healthy.

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