7 Situations In Which Exercise Is Not Advisable

Even if we think that a simple cold is not a plausible reason to stop our physical activity, in reality it is essential to reduce its intensity so that our body can recover in the best way.
7 situations in which it is not convenient to exercise

Exercising is one of the best habits we can put into practice  to take care of our physical and mental well-being.

It is very easy to insert it into our daily routine as it does not take too long and its benefits are such that it cannot be compared to other activities. In fact, exercising is one of the best ways to increase energy consumption,  which  involves weight loss while preventing different types of diseases.

As if that weren’t enough, it also has positive effects on cognitive functions, physical endurance and other aspects that improve our productivity every day.

Nevertheless, although it is recommended to practice sports every day, there are some situations in which it would be better to avoid it to avoid unwanted effects. 

Since many do not know them, in this article we will talk about them in detail.

Let’s find out together!

When not to exercise

1. Don’t do this if you have an infection with a fever

girl with fever

Infections with fever, aches and general malaise are a response of the immune system to the uncontrolled activity of certain viruses and bacteria. 

In this particular case the physical forces decrease and, although it is very subjective, it is not advisable to practice physical exercise.

In fact, this activity temporarily inhibits the function of the defense mechanisms, implying an extra energy consumption.

Practicing physical exercise, therefore,  can lead the body to expend the energy it needs to fight infections. 

2. Get little sleep

Sleeping less than five hours is a habit that can have serious physical and mental consequences for the body.

Although many of its effects do not come instantly, complications and diseases can develop over time

In turn, the immune system and physical strength are immediately weakened, so it is not recommended to overload the body with the training that is usually practiced.

Bad rest not only reduces performance during exercise, but also increases fatigue, imbalances and lack of coordination in movements.

3. Exercise with injuries or wounds should not be exercised

exercise with pain

Muscle, joint and bone injuries require a lot of attention and adequate treatment, as any trivial mistake can cause serious complications.

Although many experts recommend low-intensity exercise to heal, it is preferable to rest for a few days.

This is due to the fact that the movements of the injured tissues do not allow scarring and healing,  which increases the wound or, worse still, aggravates it.

It is important to take this into consideration, especially in the case of:

  • Fractures.
  • Tendinitis.
  • Sprains.
  • Bruises.
  • Open wounds.

4. Suffering from gastroenteritis

Diseases of the digestive system  affect performance during exercise  and, although many do not relate it to it, it can cause vomiting, diarrhea and other annoying symptoms.

For sports lovers, these ailments are not a valid reason to put training aside.

Nonetheless, it is important to give your body some rest time to fully recover. In fact, excessive movement and loss of fluids can worsen already critical conditions.

5. Receive a diagnosis of chronic disease

woman's hands

Patients diagnosed with a chronic disease such as cancer, severe hypertension or diabetes need to be very careful when exercising.

In fact, these and other pathologies alter the functioning of the most important organs of the body and, in turn, involve a greater consumption of energy.

For this reason, it is important to avoid exercises until the diagnosis is final  and treatment is received to stabilize the symptoms of the disease.

Once this is controlled, low intensity training is good for fighting it.

6. You shouldn’t exercise with the flu or cold

Some yoga poses can be great for controlling various cold and flu symptoms. Conversely, high-intensity activities, such as cardiovascular exercise, can make symptoms worse, even if they are mild. 

Sweating, loss of fluids and cold reduce the immune response and leave the body exposed to virus attacks.

7. Having made physical efforts

neck pain

It is not always necessary to go to the gym to activate and exercise the body.

Sometimes you do activities that, without realizing it, involve the work of the muscles and all the other parts of the body that are trained when exercising.

Lifting weights, moving furniture, but also cleaning are actions that may require some physical effort to be taken into consideration.

Practicing a lot of sport, after having subjected the body to these activities, increases the risk of fatigue and muscle injuries. 

In conclusion, although sport is a healthy practice for health, it is important to know when to avoid it.

Although its effects are almost always positive, sometimes the body is unable to handle it.

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