7 Things That Distinguish A Good Friend

For many people, being good friends means saying nice things and giving compliments. In fact, true friends are the ones who, for our sake, are able to tell us even bad things
7 things that distinguish a good friend

We all have friends of various kinds. Some have known them all our lives, as in the case of a good friend, while others accompany us on our journey only for a short time. There are those who go and those who come, but in one way or another a good friend is present.

But what aspects identify a good friend?

We usually think that a good friend is an ever present person. We expect a few realistic things. We are not saying that a friend is not with us at a certain moment because he does not want to, perhaps he is living and making his dreams and goals come true.

If you too are having a hard time distinguishing a friend or acquaintance from a good friend, you need to know this:

1. A good friend knows you need time and space to grow

Good friends are the ones who not only rejoice in our successes, but encourage us to pursue our dreams. They know it is possible that this will separate us, but they are willing to do it because they want to see us grow as people, both professionally and humanly.

We will know that a person is a good friend because it motivates us to overcome our limits in a positive way. If we sometimes show fear for what is to come, it is likely that the true friend will accompany us all the way, but that it also pushes us to overcome fears and get out of the comfort zone.

Clearly, the friend will expect that we too understand and accept the fact that he has to pursue his dreams.

2. Your relationship is spontaneous

best friends

The characteristic of a good friend is that he never forces things or situations. On the contrary, let everything flow as lightly as possible.

Probably, being in his company, you are so comfortable that no silence makes you uncomfortable and you don’t even need to plan everything. It’s like a love affair, things and plans just happen, effortlessly. .

With friends like this, you can be yourself without problems or limits. They certainly do not expect you to be perfect and you know very well that they have defects, but despite this you accept each other and grow together.

3. Your friendship lasts over time

A good friend doesn’t need to be stuck on it all the time. On the contrary, everyone has their own life and does their own thing. When you have time you meet, talk and motivate each other.

These are the friends with whom you can spend several years without seeing each other and meet again one day as if only a few days had passed.

The fact is that friendship is not conditioned by social status, job or other factors. It does not matter who you are, the problems you have had or the experiences you have gone through: a good friend continues to be one forever.

4. A good friend will always tell you what he thinks

the woman has a good friend

If someone thinks you are doing something wrong, it doesn’t mean they have to tell you. However, a good friend will have no problem telling you that you are wrong and that you are making a big mistake.

This happens because he values ​​you as a person and is willing to help you grow. He will not condition you to change your attitude or decisions, because he knows they belong to you.

If you are wrong and time proves that your friend was right, for sure he will still be next to you to help you get out of this bad time.

5. A good friend always thinks of you and keeps in touch

Earlier we talked about the fact that a good friend can get on with his life and yet your relationship is preserved. This is because this person will somehow keep in touch with you. Nowadays technology allows you to feel closer despite the physical distance.

That friend will send you an email the day you least expect it or invite you to chat on social networks, to update you on your plans and dreams.

Even if she doesn’t expect you to spend all the time together, she knows you need each other. Sometimes you will share good times, other times you will help yourself to overcome problems through dialogue.

6. He knows how to share

friends spending time together

You may be the opposite of each other, but true friends always share the positive and negative aspects of life. Did you graduate from university? Did you have your first child? Surely your friend wants to share in your joy. If he can’t take a flight and be physically present, chances are he wants a photo or video of the moment.

This is not limited to the good times in life. If one day you find yourself facing a loss, divorce or illness, this friend is sure to be there. He will accompany you according to his possibilities and you will know that somewhere there is someone who is thinking of you.

7. He accepts you as you are

We all have flaws, and a good friend is able to see yours and accept them equally. It will not try to change you just to make you adapt to a certain environment or moment. On the contrary, it will help you to be yourself.

The only reason he’ll want you to change is to get better. And even then it will leave you to decide how and when.

And you, dear readers, are you good friends? Are you lucky enough to have a real friend? Have you ever told him what it’s worth to you?

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