8 Tips To Lose Weight On The Face Without Effort

Choose herbal teas that promote the elimination of liquids, to purify yourself of toxins. Don’t forget that your face also needs some facial gymnastics every day.
8 tips to lose weight on the face without effort

How to get rid of that fat that accumulates on the cheeks or chin, for example?

Sometimes it is possible to lose weight, but losing weight on the face can be difficult. The face continues to be round and full, traits that we often want to correct.

We offer you some tips to follow to lose weight on the face and refine the face.

Is it possible to lose weight on the face?

Lose weight on the face

We know that those who want to show off a slimmer face also need to lose body weight as one thing is closely related to the other.

However, there are occasions when, despite the body having an acceptable line, the face begins to swell a little more, to show a little full cheeks, to have a little bit of a double chin.

The causes of this problem are usually due mainly to water retention and even the effects of certain drugs.

To get a drier and less voluminous face, you need to focus on the following aspects:

  • supply
  • facial gymnastics
  • firming creams

There is absolutely no need to go to a surgeon. We assure you that with a little effort and strength on certain points you can succeed.

However, if you take medications and see that your face is more swollen, consult your doctor to rule out the hypothesis that it is a side effect.

Remember, for example, that medicines such as cortisone change the appearance in a visible way.

Tricks to lose weight on the face

1. Avoid water retention

ginger lemonade

As usual, start with having proper nutrition. One of the main reasons why you sometimes have a fuller face than usual is due to water retention. It swells. The cheeks, the area under the eyes, the eyelids swell… What to do?

You must follow a purifying diet.

Eliminate salt, sugar, sweets, refined flours, red meat and instead start the day with a glass of warm water with lemon.

Then have breakfast with a cup of oats with grapes or cherries, or some red fruit if possible.

It is perfect, for example, to drink pineapple juice, make papaya salads and a green tea every night.

All of this purifies you, eliminates toxins and avoids water retention. At least try to follow a juice and vegetable diet for four days a month. It is always very effective for draining and detoxifying the body.

2. Drink two liters of water a day

glass of water

Hydration, hydration, hydration. It is essential to have a well hydrated body so as to facilitate the carrying out of the purifying functions of the organs in a more comfortable way and thus avoid water retention and make the kidneys work better.

If you find that it is difficult to drink water, add a few drops of lemon.

3. Infusions and herbal teas

infusions for weight loss

We recommend three infusions that can be of great help to lose weight on the face and, more generally, to purify, burn fat and balance the body.

  • The first is the ginger infusion. You can drink it twice a day. Grate the root until you get a teaspoon or you can buy the ready-made infusion at your trusted natural products store. Bring it to a boil in a cup of water and let it rest. It is ideal for the morning and for the evening.
  • The second infusion we have already told you about is green tea. It is a great antioxidant and a good purifier.
  • The third is the eucalyptus infusion. Promotes circulation, eliminates toxins and is very suitable for certain diets. You can drink two a day.

4. Homemade firming cream

homemade cream

There are many firming face creams on the market. You can choose the one you like best or the one that is most effective for losing weight on the face.

We advise you to prepare a homemade one with natural elements. Take notes:

  • a natural yogurt without sugar
  • two tablespoons of oats
  • three tablespoons of orange juice
  • a capsule of vitamin E (you can buy it at the pharmacy)

All you have to do is mix all the ingredients well and apply them on your face at night (twice a week).

Do an ascending massage and let it act for 15 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with cold water.

5. Exercises to lose weight on the face

facial gymnastics exercises

  • The exaggerated smile. We already know that smiling is good, but on this occasion you have to do it in front of the mirror and in the most exaggerated way possible. Thus you will exercise most of the muscles of the face. Repeat this fifteen times. Simple, right?
  • Exercise of the “fish face”. Don’t worry, obviously these exercises should be done when you are alone and in front of the mirror. It is a simple facial gymnastics to be practiced every day, to tone and remove some fat from the cheeks and chin. The fish face consists of pulling in the cheeks, as if imitating a fish. The lips remain puckered and beak-like. Try to hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds, relax and then go back to repeating five times.
  • Fill the mouth with air. This exercise is also very easy. You have to breathe in air until your cheeks are swollen. Hold it for 10 seconds and then let it out. Repeat this between eight and twelve times.
  • The vowels. This is another very fun exercise. Start by contracting and relaxing your facial muscles in front of the mirror. Start by pronouncing the letter “A” (but not with your voice, only with your facial expressions) forcefully. Then, repeat it with the letters “E”, “O” and “U”. The ideal is to repeat it ten times with each letter.

They are simple face exercises that you can repeat every day. Little by little you will see the results.

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