9 Ways To Relax In Five Minutes

We advise you to listen to instrumental, classical or mantra music if you want to calm the nervousness that torments you.
9 ways to relax in five minutes

Stress, nervousness and anxiety are very bad for health. For this it is essential to learn different methods to relax in five minutes.

Of course, just five minutes because we usually don’t have much time for a massage, meditation or yoga session. It is a quick solution to a very current problem.

Discover with us 9 ways to  relax in five minutes.

How to relax in five minutes?

To walk

A nice walk, whether in the park or in a quiet place, will immediately make you relax.

For example, if you are stressed out in the office, you can take advantage of the lunch hour to stroll around a nice area nearby.

You just need five minutes to forget about all your troubles, to listen to the birds chirping and to be intoxicated by the scent of flowers.

It can also help you reflect on something that is going through your head and that you need a moment of reflection for.

Girl walks down the street

To breathe

For sure you are thinking “but I always breathe!”. However, here we are referring to conscious breathing.

This is achieved first of all by paying attention to the air entering the lungs, not just as a mechanical process that allows us to survive.

Breathing is a vital force, it plays a very important role because it nourishes the body, reduces stress levels and allows it to receive a greater amount of oxygen.

Take a series of deep breaths (always with your nose) if you want to completely relax.

You don’t have to go to the park or the countryside, you can even calm down in the office. For best results, close your eyes and put yourself in a comfortable position (sit, stand, lie down, it makes no difference).

A good exercise is to plug the right nostril and inhale only with the left. Then change and do the same thing with the other. You will calm down immediately.


We advise you to “daydream”, because this technique gives you great relaxation.

For example, if you are fatigued from work one day, you may think you are on a Caribbean island sipping coconut juice.

Perhaps your idea of ​​tranquility is being in the countryside among trees and flowers.

Also, you can take advantage of it to think about your perfect future that allows you to reduce your stress levels.

However, be careful because in some cases this method increases the anxiety of wanting the holidays to come or to have the home of your dreams.

Imagine yourself doing an activity that you like and that gives you peace of mind.

Woman meditating on the bed

Eat a sandwich

An empty stomach can increase stress and nervousness. If you eat a healthy sandwich, you will feel not only satisfied but happy as well.

This is because there is a great connection between what happens in the stomach and what the brain perceives.

Eat quietly, enjoying every bite. Choose healthy foods like an apple, a cereal bar or dark chocolate.

Avoid fatty or sugary foods, as this will have the opposite effect.

Take care of plants and flowers to relax in five minutes

This is a truly effective therapy for people with high levels of stress. Plants, in addition to offering pure air that helps you breathe better, will help calm the nervousness.

Maybe you only have a vase or more; dedicate yourself to watering the plants, pulling weeds and even talking to him if you like.

You will see how your blood pressure will drop immediately as will the palpitations.

Move away from the computer

Using the PC for many hours (which most people do) causes increased stress and nervousness.

It also results in sleep loss, insomnia, depression, sleep problems, nightmares, headaches, muscle aches and red eyes.

Try, as much as possible, to rest for five minutes every two hours while you are in the office.

When you get home, don’t spend your time in front of the screen (TV included). Try not to use the computer an hour before bed or leave it on if you keep it in your room.

Happy woman in the office

Seek contact with nature to relax in five minutes

A little sun, walking in a meadow, smelling a rose or taking a stroll along the beach may be the most relaxing activities out there.

Those who suffer from stress, nervousness or depression can alleviate the symptoms simply by contact with nature.

When you are in town, try to find some “greenery” in a park or at least fill your office with plants and flowers.

Get a massage

It is not necessary to go to a massage therapist for an hour session (although it would be great to do it every day).

If you are in a phase of your day where you are about to explode due to the workload or obligations that oppress you, you just need to get a massage.

Apply light pressure to the area of ​​the hand between the index finger and the middle finger to release tension.

You can also do a massage under the thumb if you want to relax the muscles of the shoulders, neck and neck.

If you have a typical headache, there is nothing better than making circular movements on the temples while keeping your eyes closed.

Listen to music to relax in 5 minutes

Music has a calming effect on the mind, but be warned, not every genre.

We advise you to listen to instrumental, classical or mantra music if you want to calm the nervousness that torments you.

Many people choose these types of music to go to sleep.

In the same way you can also listen to a song that you particularly like (if possible not slow or sad) to release certain hormones that will relax you.

You can opt to listen to it with headphones or at full volume at home, depending on how you find it most useful.

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