Foods That Can Be Frozen, 9 Unsuspected

Although when we freeze certain foods it is possible that their consistency changes, this is the most practical way to avoid wasting and throwing away what we cannot consume.
Foods that can be frozen, 9 unsuspected

Food waste continues to be one of the most serious problems around the world. Unfortunately, it is estimated that 30-40% of food destined for consumption ends up in the garbage. Many do not know that there are many foods that can be frozen.

While some are discarded in the fields, during processing or transport, most food is “forgotten” in refrigerators or pantries and, of course, spoils when it could easily be avoided.

The problem is that many people ignore it and are unaware that most foods can be stored longer by freezing them, for example.

This method obviously involves an alteration in the flavor and texture of the food, but it is a great way to extend its useful life, avoid throwing it away and wasting money.

Try it too!

Foods that can be frozen

1. Bananas

Very ripe bananas, those that have acquired a brown color, can be frozen with the peel and then used in various preparations.

Since leaving them at room temperature speeds up their decomposition process, it is best to place them in the freezer to prevent them from rotting.

When needed, they can be heated in the microwave and then added to dough, cakes, bread.

2. Avocado

All of you will know that, once split in half, avocado tends to take on a brown color and an unpleasant texture if not eaten all right away.

The unused parts can be used to prepare masks and natural cosmetics, but they can also be stored in the freezer for later consumption.

Put the leftover pulp in an airtight container with a little lemon juice. It will last in the freezer for up to a week.

3. Coffee

Is there any coffee left over ? Instead of throwing it down the sink drain, pour it into an ice cube mold and use it to make cocktails and recipes.

In fact, due to the temperature reached, you can also use it as a treatment against wrinkles, cellulite and other skin problems.

4. Fresh herbs

Coriander, parsley, and other fresh herbs turn dark in color as they begin to decompose.

It is an inevitable situation, but to avoid having to throw them away, you can cut them and store them in the freezer.

Put the herbs in an ice cube mold with olive oil and store in the freezer for as long as you like.

This way, you can add herb oil to soups, roasts and other recipes that require a touch of flavor.

5. Lettuce

lettuce among the foods that can be frozen

Although the ideal is to consume this fresh vegetable in order to take full advantage of all its nutritional properties, it is possible to freeze the lettuce when there is the risk of it decomposing.

You need to prepare a puree with the leaves and a little water and pour everything into an ice mold.

Lettuce cubes can be used in smoothies and soups to make them more flavorful and nutritious.

6. Grapes among the foods that can be frozen

Grapes are a fruit that spoils very easily when it reaches a certain level of ripeness.

Fortunately, you can keep it in the freezer and then use it in different recipes such as juices, desserts or cocktails.

7. Tomato

tomato among the foods that can be frozen

On several occasions we have advised you not to put tomatoes in the freezer to avoid losing their nutritional characteristics.

However, when they are overripe and appear to be starting to decompose, they can be stored in the freezer to be added in preparations such as tomato paste or stews.

8. Cheeses

While it is not recommended to freeze foods rich in fat, cream and water, many types of cheese can be stored longer with this method.

Just knowing how to choose them, in fact fresh cheeses, such as ricotta, tend to spoil in the freezer. Aged cheeses, on the other hand, tolerate changes in temperature better and can therefore be kept for longer.

The ideal is to freeze them in bulk to prevent them from changing flavor and texture.

9. Butter and margarine among the foods that can be frozen

butter among the foods that can be frozen

Margarine and butter can be frozen, as long as all the rules of food handling are respected.

It is essential to know that they are foods susceptible to certain pathogens, so they must be kept in airtight containers, separated from other foods.

As you can see, storing foods that tend to spoil quickly in the freezer allows you to extend their shelf life.

Use this method when you consider it necessary. The ideal, however, is to try to buy moderate portions of food in order to always consume it fresh.

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