Backpacks For School And Back Pain

A relationship was found between school backpacks and back pain; the solution, however, is not to avoid its use, but to do it properly. It is equally important that children play a sport that strengthens theirs and their bones.
Backpacks for school and back pain

It is widely believed that there is a close relationship between school backpacks and back pain. This is a true statement, but it also has several nuances. First of all, the problem is not the backpack itself, but the use made of it.

Of course, when one is loaded with exaggerated weights, of any kind, and when it is carried incorrectly, unpleasant consequences occur in the muscles and bones. Although school backpacks and back pain seem to be linked together, the factors to pay more attention to are the weight of the backpack and the distribution of the load.

In addition to this, it must be taken into account that backpacks are an article of daily use and, therefore, continued. This repeated use over time requires taking necessary measures to protect the body. Now let’s see in more detail the link that unites school backpacks and back pain.

Backpacks for school and back pain

Backpacks for school and back pain in children

Several studies on the relationship between backpacks and back pain indicate that about half of children under the age of 15 have experienced discomfort associated with the use of backpacks.

They also indicate that no child should carry a weight greater than 10 or 15% of their body weight. The Austrian Ministry of Education has in fact prohibited the transport of children weighing more than 10% of their body weight. There is a similar law in Germany.

Numerous studies have been published in recent years that have established a relationship between school backpack and various neck and back injuries, back pain, spine curve, posture and lung function. The topic has gained in importance due to the increasing incidence of these problems in children, a phenomenon that was rather rare in the past.

However, some experts inform us that the increase in these problems in children is not solely due to the use of the backpack. Other factors also contribute, the most important of which is the sedentary lifestyle of children which weakens their musculoskeletal structure.

Relevant elements

Little girl opening school backpack

A study conducted in the Netherlands found an indirectly proportional relationship between the practice of any sport and back pain in children. In other words, the more hours devoted to sport, the less back pain that affects the little ones.

Another study, also Dutch and directed by Dr. van Gent, points to a particularly interesting element: in many children suffering from back pain, the presence of indications of psychosomatic disorders has also been observed. Some children who are irritated or bothered by family or individual factors tend to suffer from back pain more frequently.

Regardless, it is a fact that the overweight of school backpacks and improper use of them can cause several problems. Among these are worth mentioning:

  • Muscle tension. Affects the lower back. It occurs because the child tilts the body forward when the backpack is too heavy.
  • Misalignment of the column. It occurs mainly in the cervical area, for the same reason that causes the previous case.
  • Increase in lumbar curvature.
  • Shoulder asymmetry. When carrying the backpack on only one shoulder, the risk of developing a spinal deviation or scoliosis increases.


The first recommendation that should be taken into account is to encourage children to play a sport. A sedentary lifestyle is not good for anyone; even less so if you are in the full phase of bodily development. Furthermore, as regards backpacks, some preventive measures must be taken, such as the following:

  • Appropriate size. The backpack must not exceed the belt and must not have a width greater than that of the shoulders.
  • Adequate straps. They must be padded and adjustable, so that the backpack fits snugly against the back. We recommend the presence of a handle that allows you to lift the backpack from the ground.
  • Interior with compartment. When the inside of the backpack is divided into compartments, objects have less freedom of movement, offering greater stability.
  • Overload. Overloading must be avoided altogether. It is, in fact, the most damaging factor.
  • Distribution and transport. Heavier items should be placed closer to the body. The backpack must be loaded on both shoulders.

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