The Best Milk For The Baby After 12 Months

Milk for the baby must have certain characteristics from a nutritional point of view. How to choose the best option? What characteristics must be taken into account? We talk about it in this article.
The best milk for the baby after 12 months

It is important to know how to choose the best milk for the baby after the first year of life. A wrong choice can increase the risk of developing diseases, especially metabolic or autoimmune diseases.

Breast milk is the best food for newborns, but starting from the first year of life, the baby’s energy needs grow too high to be satisfied with just this nourishment.

It is therefore necessary to choose a quality product that meets the nutritional needs of the child. How to choose the best milk for the baby after 12 months? We talk about it in detail in the following lines.

The best milk for the baby should be low in added sugar

Different types of baby milk have a high sugar content. This nutrient can compromise the baby’s metabolic health, which increases the risk of developing disease in the medium and long term.

Research conducted by the European Society of Pediatrics indicates that reducing the intake of simple sugars in children is essential to prevent metabolic problems such as diabetes.

Not paying attention to the amount of added sugar in your baby’s milk could have negative consequences for your baby’s health. The use of these products is also linked to alterations of the lipid profile.

Infant formula milk.
The best milk for the baby contains low amounts of sugar.

The importance of omega 3 in baby milk

You have already heard about the benefits of omega 3s in regular nutrition. These are fatty acids with an anti-inflammatory action. Their regular intake contributes, among other things, to reducing cardiovascular risk, as demonstrated by a study published in the journal Pharmacology & Therapeutics .

These lipids are of particular importance for the development of children. A regular intake of these nutrients in the early stages of life can reduce the incidence of autoimmune processes.

In this regard, research conducted in 2017 linked a regular intake of omega 3 fatty acids during the early stages of life and a lower risk of developing asthma. The best milk for the baby, therefore, contains these fatty acids.

Milk with vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is a common problem among the general population. A study of 97 pregnant women and 90 children found that this micronutrient was often below recommended levels.

A low intake of vitamin D can compromise bone health in adulthood, increasing the risk of osteoporosis. This condition is common in postmenopausal women and poses a risk to their health and well-being.

In addition to this, low levels of this vitamin are associated with poor muscle strength and an increased risk of developing complex diseases. Vitamin D is a difficult nutrient to obtain through diet and sun exposure is the best way to ensure its synthesis.

To minimize the risk of vitamin D deficiency, it is advisable to choose a baby milk that contains significant doses of this micronutrient.

Milk with vitamin D for children.
As far as possible, baby milk should be enriched with vitamin D.

Choosing the best milk for the baby is not an easy task

There are 3 parameters to consider when choosing the best milk for the baby. Other factors for choosing the right product could be the guarantees offered by the production brand and the absence of chemical additives.

It is equally important to read the nutrition label carefully. Not following these recommendations can lead to a low quality milk or milk with a high intake of simple sugars.

Excessive consumption of these substances during the developmental phase increases the chances of suffering from serious illnesses during adulthood. Paying attention to the proper nutrition of babies from birth is essential.

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