Footbath With Vinegar: A Cure-all For The Feet

In addition to being ideal for relaxing the feet and softening the skin, reducing cracking and calluses, a good foot bath with apple cider vinegar is an excellent remedy for neutralizing fungal infections.
Footbath with vinegar: a panacea for the feet

Vinegar is an ingredient found in almost all pantries. In addition to its normal uses in the kitchen, we can use it for the hygiene of our home and to eliminate bad smells, to make a  foot bath, as well as as a basic ingredient of effective natural remedies, thanks to its medicinal properties.

In fact, vinegar is a good alternative to common industrial cosmetic treatments in case of some problems related to the feet. The benefits that the vinegar foot bath can bring to our feet are numerous: from the relief of tired feet to the reduction of cracked heels, passing through the treatment of some ailments and fungal infections.

Benefits of the foot bath with vinegar

The most widespread and effective for foot baths is undoubtedly distilled white wine vinegar, although apple vinegar is also very suitable for treating certain problems.

Let’s see together the great advantages of this simple natural remedy.

1. Relieves tired feet

Foot massage

If we have been walking a lot or have been on our feet all day, your feet are likely to be sore and tired at the end of the day. To alleviate this annoying sensation, we will prepare the following foot bath.


  • water
  • 1 cup of vinegar (250 ml)
  • A cup of sea salt (200 g)
  • A cup of Epsom salts (200 g)
  • Half a cup of dried lavender flowers (30 g)


  • We will heat a quantity of water sufficient to fill a basin so that our feet are completely immersed; the water temperature must be warm, but bearable. It is very important to adopt a comfortable position so that we can relax during the foot bath.
  • We will add all the ingredients and mix for a minute.
  • We will immerse our feet in the foot bath and leave them to soak for about a quarter of an hour.
  • We will relax and notice how, slowly, the fatigue and pain in the feet disappear.

2. Keeps feet hydrated and soft


Vinegar can help us take care of our feet and keep them well cared for, since it reduces cracked heels, which are unsightly and often painful, as well as calluses. For this purpose we will prepare the following foot bath:


  • A cup of white vinegar (200 ml)
  • Sufficient amount of warm water
  • Twenty drops of essential oil

Needed for the pedicure

  • Pumice stone
  • Brush with soft bristles


  • We will mix all the ingredients in a large bowl.
  • We will soak our feet for a quarter of an hour.
  • With the help of a pumice stone, we will remove dead cells from the heels and calloused areas of the feet.
  • With the brush, we will rub the fingers and the instep of the feet.
  • Once they have dried properly, we will apply a veil of moisturizing cream on the feet, making a light massage.

This foot bath, done once a week, will help keep your feet hydrated and soft, as well as keep corns and chaps away.

In addition to eliminating bad odors, it also reduces the risk of nail fungus.

3. Cures athlete’s foot or ringworm

Foot in the water

Distilled white vinegar (a fermented alcohol product) is a great remedy for treating athlete’s foot. If we add it to the foot bath, it reduces the unpleasant symptoms caused by this annoying mycosis and promotes its healing.


  • 1/2 cup of distilled white vinegar (125 ml)
  • A spoonful of salt
  • Warm water in sufficient quantity to cover the feet


  • We will heat the water to a bearable temperature and pour it into a rather large basin, so that our feet can fit comfortably.
  • We will then leave them to soak for about a quarter of an hour.
  • After this time, we will dry them carefully and apply the distilled white vinegar directly to the areas affected by the mycosis, letting it air dry.

Distilled white vinegar can be replaced by apple vinegar , which is also very effective, equally applicable directly to the affected parts.

This foot bath should be done every day for about ten days. It will relieve itching, and reduce the flaking caused by this mycosis.

4. Helps to eliminate nail fungus

Foot bath

The antifungal properties of vinegar are well known, especially against fungi affecting the nails.


  • A cup of vinegar (250 ml)
  • Warm water in sufficient quantity to cover the feet


  • We will heat the water until it is warm.
  • We will add a cup of vinegar.
  • We will leave our feet in the water for a quarter of an hour.

For greater effectiveness, it is advisable to do this foot bath at least twice a day. The acidity of the vinegar is able to restore the pH balance of the nails and relieve the symptoms caused by fungi.

Just like in the case of athlete’s foot, apple cider vinegar is also very effective in eliminating the inflammation and pain associated with yeast infections.

If we have any at home, we can use it as a substitute for white vinegar, then preparing the foot bath in the same way.

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