Yoga For Children: 3 Fantastic Benefits

Yoga for children helps to form adults who are more self-confident and more responsible towards the context around them. Furthermore, it is a sport in which there is no competitiveness
Yoga for children: 3 amazing benefits

The moments of crisis lead us to consider the fundamental and basic elements of our life. It is logical to think that this concerns only the world of adults, but it is not so. One of the elements that we often analyze is the education of our children. Here is where yoga for children can help.

Until very recently, we believed that the most important thing for their adult life was studying.

However, we now know that sport is essential for their development  and also for their mental health. But what sport should our little ones do?

The traditional answer is football, basketball or athletics, but there is a world beyond these three most common sports.

Eastern philosophies provide for special treatment and care of the body,  which seem to interest us more and more, as evidenced by the height of yoga, but is it also good for children?

When to start with children’s yoga?

Children with arms up practicing yoga

Taking into account the characteristics of the little ones, the ideal is to start from 4 years old.

At this time, their body structure is already solid and they are already counting on a certain development of their psychomotor skills. They already have awareness of their body and some control over it.

One also wonders if it is a discipline suitable for all children. The answer is yes.

Both the most introverted and the most dynamic will benefit. The same applies to children with disabilities.

  • In any case, however, it is necessary to understand which type of yoga is the most suitable for the child based on his personality.
  • There are several methods within yoga, aimed at strengthening and correcting what prevents us from living well.

However, all of these methods have the benefits that we will discuss below.

Discover the benefits of yoga for children

They will learn to improve without competing

Little girls on the sea practicing yoga

It is  one of the few sports where you neither win nor lose.  It is not even possible to turn on the TV and watch yoga competitions. This feature is unique.

It is essential for children. It is about improving oneself and for oneself  and not with the goal of being better than another person or to get a reward.

  • Knowing that everything that is assimilated to this age also pours into all the remaining aspects, it certainly presupposes a very significant advantage.
  • Knowing that there is a satisfaction that starts from oneself and that does not depend on the recognition of others is essential to be happy.

Children’s yoga encourages self-knowledge

When we talk about self-knowledge, we usually think about the inner world. And it is true that this is a fundamental part of it, but having a conscious relationship with our body also helps us a lot.

Being aware of your limits and feeling capable of overcoming them gives us a feeling of power which translates into better self-esteem.

Yoga for children, like yoga for adults, helps to feel every muscle, every bone and even every breath.

This  makes it more likely that you take care of yourself and respect your  body. Furthermore, we will honor the space of others with the same seriousness, in light of the fact that we already know that they are not our enemies, but our peers.

Detect and control stress

Little girl practicing yoga

Perhaps the most important thing is this “detecting”, since if we do not detect first we cannot control. In addition to the philosophy it carries with it,  the activity itself requires relaxation.

If this is not your emotional state, meditation will be different.

By noticing this contrast, you will understand that you had an emotion within you that made you feel bad. At the same time, you will find in yoga the way to master it.

As adults who have lived far from this discipline, we already know how difficult it is to learn to practice it when we have already grown up.

Learning this dexterity as a child makes all the difference.  It is a fundamental tool to be able to grow and develop with peace of mind and to better choose what you need, what you want or reject what harms us.

These are the main benefits of yoga for children. As you can see, it will help them to grow in better conditions, to respect themselves and the environment in which they grow up. It is no coincidence that there are several schools in which it is taught from a very early age.

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