Treat Dry Skin In A Few Steps

Unlike dehydrated skin, dry skin is a chronic condition that can be genetic. In this article we present some useful tips.
Treat dry skin in just a few steps

Treating dry or very dry skin the right way is key to avoiding long-term skin problems. The stratum corneum, the most superficial of the skin, acts as a protective barrier.

In order for it to perform its function,  this layer must receive an adequate amount of water and lipids. When these elements are lost or diminished, dryness or flaking appears.

Often those who try to treat dry skin feel discomfort. He feels tension, discomfort and also a feeling of heat or itching. If nothing is done, these symptoms can present themselves in other areas. 

Causes of dry skin

Female face with dry skin lens.
An imbalance between water and natural skin fat can lead to excess dryness. This, in turn, can be caused by skin diseases, sudden changes in temperature, and contact with certain chemicals.

The surface of healthy skin is protected by a layer, as explained, consisting mainly of water and sebum. This barrier (the stratum corneum) is waterproof and defends the skin from external aggressions, as  well as preventing water loss.

When there is an imbalance of its two main components, it cannot effectively perform this defense function. As a result, the skin begins to manifest various discomforts such as:

  • Temporary inconvenience
  • Feeling of tension
  • Slight peeling

Unlike dehydrated  skin, dry skin is a chronic condition. Generally, it is a genetic disorder. However, it can also develop as a consequence of external, climatic factors, skin conditions or general diseases and medical treatments.

On the other hand, some habits favor the onset of skin dryness such as the use of makeup for women and daily shaving for men. 

Tips for treating dry skin

In the following lines we present treatments and tips to treat dry skin and improve the appearance of the skin, therefore to enjoy more pleasant sensations.

1. Apply a good moisturizer

Woman puts cream on her face.
Applying moisturizer is one of the most effective measures to treat dry skin problem. It also helps keep the skin firm.

A moisturizer helps treat dry skin when it contains precise, as explained by this study by s tudiosi the School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (United U nite).

  • Glycerin: Glycerin  moisturizers attract water molecules to the top layer of the skin, hydrating it.
  • Petrolatum:  retains moisture and prevents water evaporation. In this way, it promotes skin hydration.
  • Niacinamide:  it is vitamin B which improves the natural hydration of the skin, restoring its appearance.

In case of dry skin, we advise you to choose a cream that contains these three ingredients,  as they allow you to keep the skin supple and healthy.

2. Cleanse the face with a good product

Moisturizers aren’t the only products that can treat dry skin. In addition to moisturizing the face during the day and night, there are other ways to combat this problem. 

Facial cleansers or neutral soaps are usually gentler than an antibacterial soap. Thanks to this, they restore the moisture lost in the cleaning process.

If after washing your face you apply a cream with the components listed in the previous paragraph, the moisturizing effect will be greater than with a single treatment.

3. Drink lots of water

Woman drinking water.
The consumption of water is essential for the health of our skin. In addition to hydrating it, it makes it more elastic and luminous.

It might seem obvious, but it is one of the points that is most overlooked. It will not do any good to apply cosmetic products on the skin of the face if we forget to hydrate our entire body.

It is recommended to take at least one and a half liters of water a day, an amount that could vary according to individual needs, as stated in a study carried out by a group of researchers at the University of North Carolina (United States).

This simple habit will help us treat dry skin by promoting the recovery of elasticity and radiance.  

Each skin has different needs

Since dry skin is a chronic condition, treatments aimed at treating this problem will need to be daily to prevent complications and improve the appearance of the face.

Consult a dermatologist to define the degree of dryness of your skin  and have you indicate the most suitable products for your specific condition.

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