Colic In Newborns: 4 Strategies To Calm Them

Colic in newborns can have multiple causes. For this reason, the first thing to do is to consult the pediatrician to verify the need for specialist treatment. What else can you do?
Colic in newborns: 4 strategies to calm them

Colic in newborns is a concern of concern, especially in new parents. The cause is not yet known with certainty, but what is certain is that they are frequent up to about four to six months after birth.

According to information published in KidsHealth , infant colic is characterized by a specific crying pattern. The newborn is healthy, eats and grows normally, but has prolonged crying periods, almost always at the same time. How is it possible to calm this symptom?

Colic in newborns: general aspects

According to a publication in the medical journal American Family Physician, infantile colic obeys a benign process in which the baby experiences extreme crying for more than three hours a day, more than three days a week, and for more than three weeks.

Although there are no exact figures, it is estimated to affect between 10% and 40% of newborns worldwide. It also tends to present around six weeks of age, with symptoms resolving between three and six months of age.

As anticipated, the exact causes are still unknown, but are often associated with the following manifestations:

  • Digestion problems
  • Sensitivity to infant formula.
  • Gastrointestinal immaturity or inflammation.
  • Increased serotonin secretion.
  • Bad nutrition.
  • Maternal smoking or nicotine replacement therapy.
  • Fatigue.
Newborn crying
Colic in newborns is recognized by the specific crying pattern.

Treatment of colic in newborns

Since this disorder is often a cause for concern in parents, the first thing to do is to consult a pediatrician to determine the possible cause and rule out any other health problems. In most cases, the use of drugs is not recommended.

According to what was published in the Australian Prescriber journal , among the most effective treatment options we find:

  • Hydrolyzed formula.
  • Hypoallergenic diet for nursing mothers.
  • Reduced stimulation.
  • Better parental responsiveness.
  • Targeted parenting guidance.

However, to choose between one option and the other, it is first necessary to have a professional diagnosis. Your pediatrician will help you set up your treatment and provide you with the support you need to cope with the resulting stress.

Calm newborn colic with 4 remedies

There are not many natural remedies to calm infant colic. However, you can apply some strategies to calm them down. Keep in mind that this is not a cure and cannot replace the therapies prescribed by the pediatrician.

Of course, not all cases of colic require medical attention. Often, in fact, it is enough to comfort them and apply some home methods to help them get relief. Below you will find several options.

1. Infusion of chamomile

Chamomile tea is considered a safe remedy for calming colic in babies. Although there is still limited evidence, some studies, such as the one published in Molecular Medicine Reports , suggest that it can soothe the baby’s digestive symptoms thanks to its ability to fight gas and inflammation.

  • You can start by moistening the pacifier before putting it in your mouth.
  • If well tolerated, you can try giving him a sip with a bottle.
At present, there is no evidence on the possible risks of using chamomile in infants. It is generally considered a safe option for calming colic.

2. Create a relaxed environment to relieve infant colic

A calm environment is extremely important for babies to calm down in case of colic. As US company WebMD states , sweet sounds can help. Often, those of some household appliances such as dryers, fans or white noise generators are useful.

Classical music is also extremely useful. Do you remember the music you listened to during pregnancy? Surely this will also serve to create a relaxing atmosphere.

3. Rock the baby

Another way to calm the baby in case of colic is to rock it up and down with the head close to the chest. Even a short walk can come in handy.

  • This movement will bring him back to his origins, as it is very similar to what they perceived when the mother walked.
  • In addition, the ear near the heart will make him hear the beat that accompanied them at that time, which has a calming effect on the newborn.
Colic of newborns: cradle the baby
Cradling the baby serves to calm colic, as well as to make him feel safe.

4. Warm bath to relieve colic in newborns

The last useful recommendation in these cases is a bath with lukewarm water. In fact, it is one of the recommendations given in a recent study published in the Singapore Medical Journal . Although there is no evidence to prove its effectiveness, it is considered a useful remedy, as it is relaxing.

Colic in newborns is a normal occurrence

In most cases, colic is due to a normal body process. Therefore, these simple strategies could be helpful in soothing them. However, for your greater peace of mind, you can always consult your pediatrician to rule out any other problems.

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