How To Relax Your Nerves With Honey

Thanks to its tryptophan content, honey has sedating and relaxing effects that can induce drowsiness. If taken with a glass of warm milk, it will calm you down and help you rest.
How to relax your nerves with honey

Honey has numerous properties, including that of being a natural sedative.  This property occurs as a result of the changes that the nectar of flowers undergoes by the work of bees. Honey is an excellent remedy for relaxing our nerves when we are tired and stressed.

Likewise, honey is known for its diuretic, fortifying, laxative and bactericidal properties, as well as other benefits for the body. To the nutritional qualities of honey we must add the therapeutic ones ; numerous studies, in fact, recognize the healing abilities of this natural product.

In addition to this, honey can represent a tonic for the body of convalescent people. Honey, in fact, fights infections ensuring a good state of health.

 Furthermore, it can stimulate appetite, regulate intestinal transit and diuresis, improve blood composition and increase the body’s defenses to fight infections.

honey property

Calming properties

Honey not only helps to relax the nerves, but has numerous therapeutic properties. For example, it generates simple sugars such as fructose and glucose which are rapidly absorbed by the blood; the importance of this lies in the fact that glucose is essential for the proper functioning of neurons. 

For this reason, it is recommended to eat honey in case of nervous disorders and physical and mental fatigue. In addition to this, since glucose is absorbed before fructose, it helps to give vitality to the muscles, thus avoiding cramps, contractures and muscle stiffness. It also helps stabilize blood sugar levels. 

Therefore, it is recommended for people with heart problems, muscle deficiencies and for those suffering from nerve disorders. The joint action of flavonoids, enzymes, carotenoids, phenols and antioxidants is also ideal for athletes.

Furthermore, thanks to the absorption of tryptophan, honey can have sedating and relaxing effects that can even induce sleep.  On the other hand, it is an excellent cough reliever and expectorant.

Helps fight throat irritations, simple bronchial problems and sinusitis. Together with hazelnut it is ideal for combating chronic coughs, while a glass of warm milk for sore throats. The latter option is also recommended in case of fatigue and to obtain a relaxing effect.

Combinations and benefits

The main properties of honey revolve around its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial and calming benefits :

  • Help people suffering from stomach ulcers ; it is advisable to take a teaspoon on an empty stomach and not to eat before an hour has passed.
  • Bee honey combined with lemon can improve throat irritation, reduce fever and decrease cough.
  • Ingesting a teaspoon of bee honey during the first meal of the day allows you to have more energy during the rest of the day.
  • Even burns and wounds can be healed with bee honey, thanks to the antiseptics present in it. In fact, they promote healing and prevent infections, as well as accelerate the formation of the new layer of skin. Therefore, it is also an excellent disinfectant for minor skin wounds.
  • It improves the functioning of the digestive system and is recommended in case of constipation.
  • Thanks to its antiseptic qualities, it helps prevent infections.
  • It is capable of improving the absorption of nutrients such as iron and calcium, as well as ensuring the maintenance of bone mass in the skeleton. For this reason, it is recommended to take it together with other foods that contain calcium.
  • It is considered a prebiotic food due to the high levels of oligosaccharides (chain sugars).
  • It has antioxidant elements that hinder the appearance of diseases such as cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, aging (as it reduces cell damage caused by free radicals), inflammatory diseases, brain and cardiovascular diseases.

properties of honey

Contraindications of honey

Some contraindications must be considered based on the subject who takes honey and the quantity to be ingested. Although it is a natural sweetener with many benefits, it is not recommended to take this food to infants.

Many times mothers try to soothe babies with a little honey. However, too often this action favors the development of Clostridium botulinum spores due to the degree of acidity contained in honey. These spores  they are not harmful for adults since the latter have the necessary intestinal acidity.

On the contrary, newborns have a digestive system that prevents them from disintegrating these spores and, in this way, they  can end up suffering from infantile botulism. However, it is not possible to sweeten children’s food with artificial sweeteners if they are under 18 months of age.

On the other hand, the consumption of honey can increase the antioxidants present in the blood plasma. However, most of the honey on the market is pasteurized and this can be a big problem.

The industrial processes to combat the crystallization of honey, avoid the presence of pollen particles and the fermentation process, in fact, ensure that the antioxidant benefits of this food are reduced by 30%.

Alternatives to relax the nerves

Nervousness is common to most people. It occurs when you have some fear, some doubt, when you are unable to control a situation and feel unable to deal with it or when you are in a stressful situation in the family, personal or work environment.

All of this causes a feeling of annoyance and stress.  There are some alternatives to consuming honey to ease the nerves, which start with greater control of one’s mind.

In this way, your mind will be able to respond more calmly to new situations that you face. Consequently, if the mind relaxes, so will the body and moments of nervousness will be avoided.

Here are some honey alternatives you can use to stay calm:

chamomile to relax the nerves

  • Drinking chamomile or lime infusions helps to relax the nerves.
  • Start making slow and continuous body movements.
  • Do breathing exercises, inhaling and exhaling calmly.
  • The music can be an excellent option to calm down.
  • A warm bath serves to relax muscles and tension.
  • Counting to 100 before reacting can also work .
  • The mind is very powerful. For this reason, visualizing a better image helps to relax the nerves.
  • To relax your nerves, a calm environment, like nature, provides peaceful sensations.
  • Writing down the negative thoughts that are troubling your life on a piece of paper helps to release the nervousness.
  • Communicating can be calming. Telling your problems to someone outside the facts and asking for advice helps to have a different perspective on the situation.

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