Combating Water Retention With Fruit

Have you decided to fight water retention with fruit? Good idea! We present the 10 best fruits against the accumulation of fluids in the body.
Fighting water retention with fruit

In today’s article you will find out how to fight water retention with fruit. The best way to avoid this disorder is to increase the consumption of healthy foods with diuretic properties.

There are various drugs and natural remedies for water retention, but you can do a lot by simply changing your eating habits. Fighting water retention with fruit , for example, is an effective and very healthy strategy.

For example, it is well known that figs have a high diuretic and laxative power, characteristics that are very useful for fighting water retention. But many other fruits have the same properties, as well as an excellent taste for the palate.

What is water retention?

This is a buildup of water in the tissues. It is a very common disorder, also known as edema. It causes swelling in specific areas, including the feet, ankles, legs, abdomen, and face. But what are the main causes? Let’s see them:

  • Hormonal aspects : for example, during pregnancy, menopause or before the menstrual period.
  • Sedentary lifestyle: too many hours of inactivity, both standing and sitting.
  • Incorrect diet : rich in pre-cooked, fried, packaged foods, etc. Often these foods contain a high amount of salt.
  • Hot climates : Heat, atmospheric pressure and humidity are factors that increase water retention.
  • Some medicines : corticosteroids, anti-hypertension drugs and hormone treatments.
  • Some diseases, such as venous, kidney or heart failure, hypothyroidism, etc.
  • Bad circulation.

10 tips to combat water retention with fruit

1. Pineapple

Properties of pineapple

Thanks to its enzymes, pineapple is an excellent tropical fruit for eliminating swelling. It also improves digestion.

It is often included in weight loss diets and is ideal in combination with proteins and vegetables.

2. Pear

Diuretic and refreshing, pear is another great fruit to be consumed at any time of day. Its high silicon content is an effective remedy for skin and hair.

Not only does it sweeten the palate with its flavor, but it also helps reduce the craving for sweets.

3. Watermelon

Watermelon against edema

Watermelon has a high water and fiber content. This makes it a very diuretic and satiating food. Great source of vitamins, it is also rich in antioxidant properties.

Remember to always eat it between meals. In this way you will make the most of its digestive properties. If you want to enhance the nutritional effects, you can also eat the seeds.

4. Grapefruit

Here is another great fruit for fighting water retention. Promotes the elimination of liquids and improves liver functions. In short, it is an excellent fruit for the general balance of the organism.

5. Melon

Melon rich in fiber

Antioxidant, diuretic, satiating and laxative. Melon is a concentrate of beneficial properties, as well as being effective against the accumulation of liquids. Also in this case, the ideal is to consume it between meals.

Considered an excellent remedy for preventing acidity, it is also recommended for cardiovascular diseases.

6. Cranberry

Cranberry is traditionally used to prevent and treat urinary tract infections. In addition, it is a particularly suitable fruit to fight:

  • Water retention
  • Eye problems
  • Cholesterol
  • Bad circulation
  • Premature aging

7. Papaya

Tropical fruit

This delicious tropical fruit has numerous health benefits. Effective to combat specific ailments, it is diuretic, increases defenses, improves the skin and prevents cardiovascular diseases.

It also stands out because it is capable of protecting the digestive system: it fights acidity, improves intestinal transit and prevents the appearance of parasites.

8. Mango

If we want to fight water retention with fruit, mango cannot be missing from our diet. Sweet, exotic and creamy, it has vitamins and minerals in abundance. It is also rich in enzymes that facilitate digestion and prevent the appearance of gas and acidity.

9. Figs

To make the most of the balancing properties of figs, we should eat 3 or 4 every day. Ideal for women, this diuretic and laxative fruit is a source of iron, calcium, phosphorus and vitamins A, B and C.

Remember that despite its sweet taste, it is also a fruit recommended for healthy and slimming diets.

10. Mandarin

It is a juicy, aromatic and diuretic fruit. It favors the elimination of liquids, but also hydration thanks to its citric acid content.

Tangerines have healing properties that can reduce inflammation. They bring alkaline elements to the body and improve skin problems.

In summary, we can say that to combat water retention with fruit there are several alternatives. But even if you don’t suffer from these ailments, remember that consuming fruit routinely brings many health benefits.

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