Fruit Trees That You Can Grow At Home

Contrary to popular belief, there are plenty of fruit trees that can be grown indoors. By opting for this choice, you will add positivity, calm and color to your home. 
Fruit trees that you can grow indoors

Do you want the air in your home to be clean and free of negative energies? If so, you should place some plants there. In addition to the classic pots, there are some fruit trees that can grow indoors without problems.

This is a wonderful alternative, because they bring joy and provide us with organic fruit at a time when we know that most of the products we buy in the supermarket are bombarded with products and chemicals.

Furthermore, the care that these plants require represent an opportunity to take care of ourselves. This task will allow us not to think about the worries and problems that plague us.

Gardening is an ideal strategy to combat stress because it unites us with a living being with no hidden interest.

If you haven’t tried this activity yet, we suggest you do it. You will notice how, little by little, your relationship with plants will become closer and how they will gradually transform into your confessors!

Not all fruit trees, however, are suitable for growing indoors. In this sense, we want to mention the most suitable for this purpose. This way, you will avoid the frustration of straining yourself into something that cannot deliver.

Make a note of which fruit trees you can grow indoors.

Fruit trees to grow indoors

1. Fig tree, Turkish brown variety

The figs are beautiful and give off an exceptional smell, however for the interior the indicated varieties must be selected. 

The most suitable is the brown turkey which adapts to the climatic conditions of a house or apartment and pollinates itself.

Consequently, it will not need bees to bear fruit. In doing so, you will be able to enjoy this natural sweet that is the fig. There are few fruits that are equally delicious and nutritious.

This plant also does not grow too much, although in reality it will depend on the size of the pot in which you will place it.

  • We will only have to water it once a week.
  • It needs sunlight, so you need to place it in the brightest place in the house and keep it away from drafts. 

2. Meyer lemon tree

Lemon tree

Of all the fruit trees that can be grown at home, the lemon tree is perhaps the most aromatic.

Furthermore, its color  will give a jovial touch to the room and transform it into one of the most special places in the house. We proposed the Meyer lemon for its small size .

  • The humidity is congenial to him, which makes it an ideal solution for apartments and city life.
  • However, it needs a minimum of 8 hours of sunlight, like most citrus fruits.

3. Arbequina olive tree


It stands out for the little attention it needs. Even if the leaf usually drips, it will only be necessary to place a large element under the pot.

This way, the drops will fall on it without staining the floor. The saucers and objects produced for this purpose are easy to clean and very economical.

  • Watering cannot be abundant and must not be done with a specific frequency.
  • To know when it’s time, just look at the top layer of the earth. When it is dry, it will be time to feed the plant.
  • As for the light, the best thing is that it is exposed to it for about six hours a day, so you will have your olives in the house.

4. Dwarf banana


We propose this small variety because it seems to us the most suitable for interiors. It also provides edible bananas.

As with other fruit trees that can be grown indoors, it pollinates itself.

  • It will need plenty of water, although it only needs to be watered when the earth dries up completely.
  • She loves sunlight very much, so we advise you to let the whole plant receive the same amount of light.

Don’t give up on the health offered by trees or other plants. It means making a spectacular investment in your health and the good environment of your home.

Your friends and family will notice its influence as soon as they enter and find themselves surrounded by trees.

Are you ready to enrich your life?

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