Push-ups: Complete Workout

We offer you a complete workout to train not only the triceps, but also the abs and back muscles.
Push-ups: complete workout

Many of us think that pushups are suitable exercises for athletes with years of training behind them. In fact, they can be performed from day one in the gym.

Follow our training program to train triceps and biceps with different pushups .

How are pushups or pushups done?

Although there are several variations, we still have to take into account some aspects every time we do push-ups:

  • We have to lie on our stomach on a mat, stretch our arms and  place our hands on the floor, at shoulder height.
  • We stretch our legs and  place only the tip of our toes on the floor. If you are a beginner, you can rest your knees on the ground, lifting your feet and shins.
  • You have to contract the buttocks and abdomen for the entire duration of the exercise.
  • Lower the body until the chest almost touches the floor, but without touching it.
  • After a few seconds in this position, return to the initial position.

Pushups are simple and useful exercises that allow you to work several muscles at the same time (including glutes and legs).

It is not the quantity of repetitions that is important, but the quality of each flexion.

Training for beginners

Don’t be ashamed if the first few days in the gym you can’t do 200 push-ups like the others. They have trained hard to reach these levels. In the beginning it is better to do less and focus on the technique.

These exercises are particularly suitable at the beginning:

1. Push-ups on the wall

Push-ups on the wall

Push-ups are a very simple and effective exercise to learn the right technique and train the muscles.

Stand in front of a wall and extend your arms until you rest with your hands. Raise your heels and bend your elbows bringing your torso forward.

The body should be tilted slightly forward. Don’t forget to keep your back straight. Do 20 repetitions.

2. Push-ups on the chair

After doing the push-ups on the wall, it’s time for push-ups on the chair. Get yourself a bench, chair, or low stool. Place your hands shoulder-width apart and extend your legs so that they are oblique to the floor.

Keep your balance on your toes and bend your elbows. Bring your torso forward towards the bench, until it touches your chest. Hold the position for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Do 20 repetitions.

3. Push-ups on the knees

push-ups on the knees

With this exercise we approach the typical push-ups on the arms. The difference is that the legs are not straight, but bent and the point of contact with the floor is the knees (and hands, of course).

Lie on your stomach on a mat, open your hands at shoulder height and cross your legs. Raise your feet to support yourself with your knees. Bend your elbows and bring your torso forward. Keep your face as close to the floor as possible and return to the starting position. Do 20 repetitions.

4. Standard push-ups

When you have done the previous three exercises several times, you are ready to move on to the “original” version of the pushups.

It is not necessary to do many, the important thing is to do them the correct way.

  • Rest your palms and toes on the floor.
  • Bend your elbows and bring your torso and face to the floor.
  • After a few seconds, return to the starting position, with the body diagonally

5. Push-ups with clapping

Push-ups with clapping

From this moment on, you can choose to train alternating the different exercises and add another one that involves a momentum and a clap of the hands  while bringing the torso back to the starting position.

6. Push-ups by touching the shoulder

This variant is similar to the previous one, but when returning to the starting position, you must touch the right shoulder with the left hand. Do another push-up and touch the left shoulder with your right hand.

7. Push-ups with torso rotation

Push-ups with rotation

This exercise is excellent for toning the lateral abdominal muscles. It also improves coordination and balance.

After you have done the push-up and with your elbows extended, lift your right hand off the floor and bring it up, as if you want to touch the ceiling. At the same time, rotate your torso to the right.

8. Push-ups and lifting

Here is another variation that promotes coordination and balance. After flexion, raise your right arm until your shoulder touches your ear. The hand must be in front of you.

Hold the position for a few seconds and return to the initial position. Do another push-up and repeat the exercise with the left arm. Do 10 reps on each side.

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