Homemade Masks To Tone The Skin

In addition to the passage of time, our emotional state can affect the health of our skin, making it difficult to absorb nutrients due to blockage of blood vessels and muscle tension.
Homemade masks to tone the skin

Having a toned and healthy face many times depends on lifestyle, genetics and proper nutrition. It is clear that time passes inexorably for everyone, but toning the skin is always possible with a little effort and some simple remedies that we will show you shortly.

Some homemade masks can be the ideal solution for toning the skin.

Causes of loose skin on the face

Flabby skin of the face
  • The passage of time is undoubtedly the first factor; the skin loses solidity, tone and elasticity. However, it must be borne in mind that skin, as such, can be nourished as it begins to age. By knowing the elements it needs at a certain age, we can mitigate the effects of time.
  • The lack of proteins and nutrients caused by an incorrect diet favors the appearance of flaccidity.
  • A lack of elastin and collagen, essential to ensure that the skin of the face appears toned.
  • Lead a sedentary life. This prevents oxygen and nutrients from reaching the skin adequately.
  • The sun is a great enemy of the skin. It ages it, deprives it of its natural hydration and causes it to lose collagen. Pay attention, therefore, to exposure to the sun.
  • On many occasions, the emotional state determines good or poor skin health. Anxiety, irritability and stress cause a defect in nutrient absorption due to vasoconstriction and muscle tension.

Homemade masks to tone the skin of the face

1. Carrot and orange mask to tone the skin

Carrot mask

It is a simple to prepare and very effective mask. In fact, both carrot and orange can give excellent results in fighting flaccidity.

They contain antioxidants, beta-carotenes, vitamins, mineral salts and other nutrients necessary to provide the tone and hydration that the skin needs.

Combining them in a homemade mask, you will get good results. Apply it in the morning three times a week.


  • A carrot
  • The juice of an orange
  • A spoonful of honey


  • Start by washing and cutting the carrot into small pieces. Afterwards, put it in the blender with the orange juice. Try to get a very homogeneous juice. Finally, add the spoonful of honey.
  • Put the orange and carrot mixture in a cup and use cotton wool to apply this mask, especially on the areas where flaccidity normally appears: neck, chin, cheeks. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then rinse with cold water.

2. Tomato and lemon based mask to tone the skin

Tomato and lemon mask

We know that the skin of the face is different from that of the rest of the body: it is more sensitive and fragile, thinner and weaker to the impact of external agents. To protect it, not only must eat well and play sports, but it is also appropriate to provide it with nutrients from the outside.

This mask based on tomato juice and lemon is rich in antioxidants and vitamins that will bring you freshness and youth. Why not try it?


  • Two tomatoes
  • A spoonful of lemon juice
  • Two tablespoons of sugar


  • Start by peeling the two tomatoes, preferably ripe, and then put them in the blender with a spoonful of lemon juice. Once ready, add the two tablespoons of sugar to make a paste.
  • Apply this mixture and let it act for 15 minutes. You will immediately feel the freshness of the tomato and the effect of its components. Despite this, it is important that you do not keep this mask for more than 20 minutes, otherwise the lemon could cause irritation, remember that. Afterwards, use fresh water to remove the mask. It is ideal for the night, twice a week.

3. Apple and melon based mask to tone the skin

Apple face mask

Melon tones the skin and prevents sagging. If we add apple and oats in addition, we will obtain a wonderful and very suitable blend for moisturizing and toning the skin.

It is a very classic remedy and you cannot miss the opportunity to try it.


  • Three cubes of melon (of the kind you prefer)
  • Half an apple
  • Two tablespoons of oats
  • A spoonful of honey


  • It’s very simple. Start by cutting the melon and peeling the apple. Blend.
  • Now, thanks to the oats and honey that you will add later, you will get a denser and more nutritious paste.
  • Before using it, wash your face. Apply it and let it act for 20 minutes. Afterwards, remove it with cold water. You can repeat the process three times a week, especially ideal in the morning to start the day with good protection.

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