Clear Clogged Pores In Three Steps

The pores tend to become clogged due to sweat and sebum. Find out how to deep clean them with natural treatments.
Clear clogged pores in three steps

It is often an inadequate facial cleansing that causes grease, sweat and impurities to gradually build up in the pores and clog them. So let’s see how to free clogged pores in a natural way.

What happens when the pores are clogged? One of the consequences is that they increase in volume due to the accumulation of impurities and, thus, blackheads are formed.

Clogged and enlarged pores are unsightly and require a deep cleansing of the face. The problem is that ordinary cleaning often does not lead to satisfactory or definitive results.

Clear clogged pores in three steps

Girl uses face brush to clear clogged pores
A good exfoliation helps eliminate face impurities

We often think of clearing clogged pores by vigorously rubbing the skin with a cleanser, sometimes with the help of an exfoliating brush. The result we get, however, is not what we hoped for.

There are more effective ways to clean pores without irritating the skin. So let’s see 3 natural solutions, to be followed in the order we present to you.

1. Herbal vapors

One of the best ways to clear pores. It is a fundamental gesture that helps to open them and therefore to clean them more easily. Without this step it will be difficult to reach deep into the pores and eliminate the impurities that accumulate inside.

The steam, however, opens the pores, but tends to attack the skin. You will therefore have to expose your face to the steam of a pot with boiling water for a maximum of 5 minutes. You can add chamomile, lemon balm or even lavender.

2. Warm compresses

Woman passes diskette on her face
Contact with heat favors the opening of the pores for more effective cleaning.

Once you have exposed your face to steam for 5 minutes, you can use a cloth to facilitate the exit of dirt from the pores. Do it very gently. If in some places, for example on the nose, the pores are not open enough, you can insist with a warm compress.

Impregnate a cotton pad with the same water used for the vapors and apply it for a few minutes on the affected area. When finished, repeat the cleaning with the cloth.

3. Clay mask to unclog pores

This is the last step. The clay mask leaves the skin soft, renewed and thoroughly cleansed. It is important, however, not to leave it on for too long, otherwise the effect will be the opposite and we will end up irritating or damaging the skin.

At the supermarket or herbalist’s shop you can find a wide selection of ready-to-use masks or prepare them at home. The advice is, however, not to use clay more than once every two weeks to avoid attacking the skin.

The importance of proper facial cleansing

Woman cleanses her face in front of the mirror
A good daily facial cleansing prevents the formation of blackheads, helps the skin to regenerate and reduces dermatological problems such as acne.

In addition to the proposed solutions, to have beautiful and healthy skin, it is essential to take into account two aspects.

First of all, the need to clean it every night. It is even more important than cleaning in the morning. During the night, in fact, the skin regenerates itself, which is why it is important that it is well cleaned.

Another tip is to always remove your make-up with the utmost care. Sometimes we are convinced that we have removed all traces of makeup on the face, but if we try to pass a disk with micellar water … surprise! There is still some. It clogs the pores and prevents the skin from breathing.

Following these simple habits will help you prevent blackheads from appearing. Furthermore, a correct facial cleansing delays skin aging and avoids the appearance of premature wrinkles due to lack of care. 

How do you take care of your face? Do you clean it properly?

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