12 Natural Remedies To Relieve Joint Pain

To reduce joint pain and improve mobility, exercise is one of the best allies. Practice gentle sports, such as yoga or pilates.
12 natural remedies to relieve joint pain

Joint pains are very common in people and the causes are among the most diverse. It can be a sudden movement, a chronic illness or the fact of maintaining the same position for many hours. Did you know that there are natural remedies for joint pain ? Find out the most effective ones in this article!

Herbal medicine for joint pain

Thanks to natural plants and herbs, you can reduce pain and inflammation, improve mobility and delay joint wear. Infusions or decoctions of the following species will also make you feel much better:


Rosemary joint pain

It has antioxidant properties that allow to reduce the wear of the cartilage in subjects suffering from osteoarthritis. You can add this herb to sauces, creams, soups and meat.

To increase the effectiveness, it is also recommended to drink a tea made with a teaspoon of the dry plant for each cup of water, to be boiled. Drink a maximum of three cups of this infusion a day.

Nettle for the joints

This plant has diuretic properties and helps us eliminate the liquids that accumulate in inflamed joints in a healthy and effective way.

To enjoy its qualities, it is necessary to consume up to three cups a day of a decoction based on the dried root of the plant. The quantities are one tablespoon for every ¼ liter of water ; leave to rest for 10 minutes and filter.

Ginger and joint pain

Ginger is a root that is used to reduce pain in the joints and also to relieve them. You can grate a little and also add it to salads or buy it directly in powder. Another option is to make a tea with one teaspoon of dried root for each cup of water to be boiled.


It has numerous diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties and, therefore, is excellent for treating the symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Thanks to birch preparations, the affected area is disinfected.

This plant also serves to eliminate the liquids that accumulate in the area. Prepare an infusion with a teaspoon of dried leaves for each cup of water. Drink a maximum of two cups a day.

Other home remedies for joint pain

In addition to taking advantage of the properties of natural herbs, you can also use one of the following treatments to be prepared at home to reduce joint pain at the same time:

Cod liver oil

It is found in health food stores. Taking three portions of cod a week prevents inflammatory joint diseases. Another very effective option is cod liver oil. One study stated that 86% of people who consume it have fewer amounts of damaged enzymes in their cartilages.

Green tea beneficial for the joints

Green tea infusion

It is a wonderful antioxidant and has numerous properties that help reduce the accumulation of fluids and fat. If your joints hurt from being overweight, this brew is perfect. Furthermore, polyphenols reduce damage to cartilage.


Fresh pineapple (fruit or juice) helps reduce pain caused by joint inflammation. This is because it contains an enzyme called bromelain. Remember that it must be fresh, neither canned nor cooked, so that it does not lose its nutrients.

Flax for the joints

Flax seeds are a very powerful natural remedy for joint pain. The reason lies in their  high content of Omega 3 fatty acids (the same ones present in blue fish).

blue raspberry

Drinking blackberry juice or eating the fruit directly helps you not to suffer exaggeratedly from joint pain. The natural anti-inflammatory properties of this red fruit, one of the most delicious, have been well known since ancient times.

Cabbage against joint pain

This vegetable is ideal not only as a meal, but also for making compresses and rubbing sore areas. Heat a cabbage leaf, either in the oven or in a double boiler, and hold it on the affected joint until it cools.


Chamomile for joint pain

Chamomile is very relaxing for muscles and joints and can help reduce pain and swelling when used topically (from the outside). Pour a few drops of chamomile essential oil on the affected area, then perform circular massages. Do not rinse and let the oil be absorbed into the skin.

Eucalyptus for joint pain

As in the case of chamomile, eucalyptus has excellent properties for both internal and external use. To treat joint pain with eucalyptus, you will need to equip yourself with the essential oil of this plant, which is sold in herbalists.

Dissolve about 30 ml of oil in a liter of warm water, then make frictions with the liquid obtained. You can use rosemary essential oil in the same proportions.

Tips to avoid or reduce joint pain

Now you know about medicinal herbs and foods that can help you. However, it is also good to discover some healthy habits that will reduce or avoid the horrible joint pains:

Apply ice to the affected areas

It is one of the best known and most effective treatments that exist against joint pain. Put some ice cubes in a plastic bag and then wrap it in a towel or cloth. Then, apply to the affected area for a few minutes. It will help reduce inflammation.

Apply heat

Thermal pads are an excellent resource for reducing pain in the joints. Put one where you feel the pain and then let it act for a few minutes. Another option is to heat a towel on a stove or wet it with very hot water.

Exercise to soothe joint pain

Exercise will allow you to reduce pain and, at the same time, improve mobility. You can practice activities such as yoga, pilates, tai chi or go for a walk. Finally, we advise you not to play sports that are too strenuous because they can cause the opposite effect to the desired one.

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