Suffering From Palpitations: 6 Main Reasons

Both physical inactivity and an excess of sport can cause palpitations. It is therefore necessary to look for a healthy middle ground. 
Suffering from palpitations: 6 main reasons

Suffering from palpitations and not knowing why ? There are several reasons why you feel a fast heart rate  and are not always so obvious.

There are, at the base, a good number of reasons for suffering from palpitations . Here are the main ones.

What are palpitations?

Heart health

Before talking about the reasons why palpitations are felt, it is necessary to know that it is a condition in which the heart tends, in some moments, to beat faster than normal.

Some people describe this situation as a heart sank or a thrill. Palpitations can be accompanied by:

  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Panic attacks
  • Pain in the throat and neck

Some reasons to suffer from palpitations

If you have been suffering from palpitations in recent times, it will be good to analyze your lifestyle. Small changes are usually enough to forget about this problem.

1. Anxiety

Anxiety causes palpitations to suffer

Anxiety is one of the main reasons. It is important to know how to control and manage your emotions. When palpitations are caused by anxiety they do not carry a serious risk, but it is undoubtedly necessary to be able to regain calm and dominate emotions for a rapid disappearance of the disorder.

A good way to regain control is to lie down and think about something relaxing or cheerful, forgetting your heartbeat for a moment. In a short time you will feel the heart return to normal frequency.

Another tip is to avoid caffeinated drinks during times when you are feeling the most anxious. Instead, opt for a mint or chamomile tea.

 2. Stress

If you are very stressed, your heart suffers. The second reason you may suffer from palpitations is a busy life.

Blood flow is reduced and blood pressure and heart disturbances begin to appear. In this case it will be good:

  • Playing sports: it will help you release energy and stress.
  • Slow down your activities.
  • Establish a precise working time and not exceed it.

3. Lack of physical activity

Suffering from palpitations due to a sedentary lifestyle

Are you one of those people who just run away to hear about sports? If you care about your health, it would be best to reconsider the matter. It may seem strange to you, but little or no physical activity is another reason to suffer from palpitations.

It is essential to dedicate at least half an hour a week to activities such as walking or exercising. Many of us think that the commute from home to the office or from home to the supermarket is sufficient exercise. In fact, more than one expert says that physical activity must be practiced with the specific aim of exercising.

In short, if you don’t take the time to wear sports gear and consciously practice physical activity, your body and mind won’t register it as a sport.

4. Excess of physical activity

Excesses, you know, never go well. Exercising too much, for example, is as bad as doing nothing. The effect is felt even more after the age of 40, or if you choose a high intensity sport.

To make sure that physical activity does not make itself felt on the heart remember to:

  • Doing physical activity at a pace commensurate with your physical state.
  • Start with light activities to gradually intensify them as your training increases.
  • Enlist the help of a sports instructor.
  • Get a medical examination before starting a new sport.
  • Always do stretching exercises before each session.

5. Suffering from palpitations due to low blood pressure

Blood pressure measurement

Very low blood pressure can also be a dangerous condition. It acts directly on the heart and can cause palpitations and a feeling of “heaviness” in the heart.

If your doctor has diagnosed you with excessive hypotension and has established a therapy, it is essential to follow it to the letter, avoiding do-it-yourself treatment. To avoid straining your heart, help it with a simple daily walk.

6. Suffering from palpitations due to previous heart conditions

Electrocardiogram and stethoscope

Have you ever had any heart abnormalities? Some people suffer from it in childhood or adolescence and then, in adulthood, the disorder goes away.

The problem is that with time, stress and bad habits, these “forgotten” diseases can cause palpitations.

If you have a medical history of this type, remember to:

  • Avoid excessive consumption of caffeine and alcohol.
  • Exercise regularly, without overdoing it.
  • Undergo a medical examination every 6 months.
  • Do not make changes to the therapies prescribed by your doctor.

As you can see, palpitations can have more than one cause. We therefore advise you not to ignore a symptom of this type.

When it comes to an isolated phenomenon, there is no need to worry, but it should nevertheless be considered as an invitation from our heart to lead a healthier life. If, on the other hand, the palpitations are recurrent, undergo a cardiological examination as soon as possible.

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