Fruit Smoothies For A Full Energy

If you want to cool off and fill up on high quality nutrients, try one of these fruit smoothies. They are easy to prepare and ideal at any time of the day. 
Fruit smoothies for a full energy boost

Smoothies are always a good way to add more nutrients to our regular diet. They are easy to prepare, ideal at any time of the day, good and healthy. How about trying one of these 5 fruit smoothies for an energy boost?

They are ready in minutes and offer many benefits. Unlike the smoothies on the market, they are natural and genuine, especially if you choose organic ingredients. They are free of sugar, preservatives or additives.

5 fruit smoothies for a full energy boost

These fruit smoothies are ideal for increasing energy in times of greatest fatigue. For example, they can be eaten for breakfast, since they provide carbohydrates, antioxidants and other nutrients essential for a better physical and mental performance.

The combination of the ingredients offers several advantages. Thanks to the fiber content, fruit-based smoothies facilitate digestion, fight cholesterol and prolong the feeling of satiety. Therefore, they help not to consume too many calories during the day.

They are also important sources of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals; this means that they strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of getting sick. They moisturize the body and contribute to the proper functioning of the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system. 

1. Smoothie with banana, apple and carrot

Carrot smoothie.
This smoothie contains a good amount of antioxidants with an energizing function. Try it, for example, before sports.

Thanks to its ingredients, the first smoothie we offer you is highly energetic. Its high content of fiber, antioxidants and essential mineral salts guarantees greater physical and mental performance. On top of that, it keeps hunger at bay and helps maintain a healthy weight.


  •  1 ripe banana
  • 1 apple
  • 2 carrots
  • 1/2 glass of water (125 ml)
  • 5 spinach leaves


  • First, cut the fruit into pieces and blend it together with the water.
  • You will then have to pass the carrots in the extractor and add the juice obtained to the smoothie.
  • Add the spinach leaves and continue to blend for another couple of minutes.
  • Consume it immediately so as not to lose even one of its properties.

2. Smoothie with citrus, apple and pear

Citrus fruits are ideal for strengthening the immune system and increasing energy levels. In this case we combine them with apple and pear to obtain a healthy smoothie that helps, among other things, to fight cholesterol and constipation.


  • 2 oranges
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1 apple
  • 1 pear
  • 1/2 glass of water (125 ml)


  • To begin, squeeze the oranges and half a lemon.
  • Then cut the apple and pear into small pieces, without removing the peel.
  • Blend everything by adding half a glass of water.
  • Consume it immediately.

3. Smoothie with blueberries, pineapple and mint

Blueberry smoothie among fruit smoothies for an energy boost
In addition to giving energy, this smoothie has many other benefits, including the purifying effect of pineapple.

Is your goal to fill up with energy, but also to purify the body? Then you have to try the next smoothie. The mix of blueberries, pineapple, mint and other healthy ingredients stimulates the excretory system and thus the elimination of toxins.

It also has diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties that help fight ailments such as water retention. Best of all, it’s low in calories and can be eaten for both breakfast and snack.


  • 1/2 cup of blueberries (100 g)
  • 1/2 cup of pineapple (100 g)
  • 5 mint leaves
  • 1 pinch of ginger
  • 1 cup of water or orange juice (250 ml)


  • Peel the fruit, cut the pineapple into pieces.
  • Blend all the ingredients.
  • Once you have a smooth and lump-free drink, add an ice cube and drink immediately.

4. Red fruit smoothie

Red fruits are an important source of antioxidants. Together with yogurt they help to repopulate the intestinal flora and strengthen the defenses. A refreshing and healthy smoothie!


  • 1 cup of natural yogurt (200 ml)
  • 1/2 cup of frozen red fruits (100 g)
  • Honey


  • Blend the natural yogurt with the red fruits.
  • Once you get a homogeneous consistency, sweeten with honey.

5. Fruit smoothies for a burst of energy: Apple smoothie

Apple smoothie.
Finally, a fiber-rich smoothie, to combine with the benefits of plant milk.

If you have enjoyed the fruit smoothies presented so far, you will definitely love this one. The combination of apple and almond milk is simply delicious. Contains fiber, calcium and fatty acids ; you will therefore enjoy a smoothie rich in substances and energy.


  • 2 red apples
  • 1 cup of almond milk (250 ml)
  • Honey (optional)


  • Cut the apples into pieces, but without removing the peel.
  • Blend everything together with the almond milk and a little honey, until you get the desired consistency.
  • It is ideal for both breakfast and a snack.

Have you ever tried one of these fruit smoothies for an energy boost? When you feel tired or less focused, they will give you the right boost. A healthy and pleasant way to introduce healthy and natural foods into your diet.

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