Panic Attack: How To Behave?

Panic attacks are common, many people suffer from them frequently. In this article, we show you some techniques to avoid them in minutes.
Panic attack: how to behave?

A panic attack produces in the sufferer a state of irrepressible anxiety. The person feels he can die in that moment and is desperate for it. This feeling causes a terrible fear, and the fear increases the anxiety even more, so the panic attack continues and repeats itself.

It is a psychological disorder, so its causes should be sought in states of prolonged stress. To control the onset of a panic attack, the person must start by analyzing his excesses. The causes certainly reside in them.

Psychological help is important to facilitate self-knowledge and self-control, essential for mastering an impending panic attack.

Sometimes, by moderating the frenzy of life and avoiding situations that cause anxiety, these crises become less severe and disappear.

Symptoms of a panic attack


It is common for a panic attack to start without warning, especially the first time. Generally, it lasts between 10 and 20 minutes, although some symptoms may last a little longer.

What are the symptoms that allow you to suspect that the person is suffering from a panic attack?

  • Chest pain, dizziness, feeling faint.
  • Fear of losing control and imminent death.
  • Choking, difficulty in breathing.
  • Stomach pain, nausea.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Chills and tremors.

If the person is periodically seized by these attacks, they can know when one is about to show up.  It is time to employ some strategies to better control the situation.

Strategies for avoiding a panic attack

Woman who suffered from a nighttime panic attack

Improve your lifestyle

Analyze your lifestyle and what actions could be taken to improve it. Improve some aspects of your life such as diet, rest, recreation, physical activity. Healthy habits are paramount measures.

Normal life

The person suffering from panic attacks should not be considered sick. He can do any business just like the others. The causes of the panic attack are internal, therefore, it is not the external environment or what others do that affects it.

Living without anticipation

Avoiding all thoughts about anxiety is important. It hurts to think that a certain thing or situation will cause a panic attack, because in reality the only cause will be fear.

Phrases to regain control

Prepare phrases to repeat when you feel that the anxiety crisis is about to present itself. The central idea will be “I will not die, it’s just fear”. These phrases will calm the anxiety, because the brain will be convinced of its truth.


Focusing on your breathing is a great way to ward off negative thoughts and fears. Make the respiratory mechanism conscious: inhale, hold the air for three seconds, exhale slowly. Conscious breathing relaxes the muscular system and joints.

Focus your eyes and ears

Look at a specific element: a button on the clothes, the license plate of the cars. Pay attention to specific sounds: chirps, human voices. If the thinking is focused on external stimuli, it moves away from the fear caused by the panic attack.

Don’t get angry and don’t get depressed

You must avoid blaming yourself for having a panic attack. It doesn’t help to think or say “Again, how weak I am”, “This is horrible” or such expressions. Nothing contributes to the solution, but on the contrary, it increases the problem, it is advisable to try to react with humor.

Accept help

There are times when professional help is needed. The psychologist will guide the person suffering from the panic attack to overcome the situation.


Panic attacks

Professional treatment aims to help the person with panic attacks live normally. A combination of medicine and psychotherapy can be used.

Generally, antidepressants, sedatives, or hypnotics are given, as they prevent symptoms.

Support groups have proven to be very effective. Sharing experiences with other people who are in the same situation helps to combat the feeling of loneliness.

People suffering from panic attacks are particularly prone to consuming alcohol or other medications. The attention of family and friends is needed to prevent this from happening.

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