Overactive Bladder Syndrome: What Causes It?

Excessive consumption of exciting drinks, such as coffee or cola, can produce alterations that can affect our kidneys. Also remember to drink plenty of water so as not to get dehydrated.
Overactive bladder syndrome: what is it caused by?

Do you know overactive bladder syndrome? Those days when you couldn’t help but go to the bathroom all the time have also happened to you. As soon as it finished, you felt the urge again.

What is it due to? And most importantly, do you have to worry? This article will explain  the  overactive bladder syndrome . Take note!

1. The need to urinate: what is the cause?

Overactive bladder syndrome is a very common reality among people, especially women. Usually a strong urge to urinate is primarily due to those days when more fluids than normal are consumed.

This is good because in this way the kidneys are better filtered and the body is cleansed of toxins. However, there are times when you have a constant need to go to the bathroom without drinking more.

For example, if you happen to have to get up several times in the middle of the night, then it is nocturia. This case is more common among men, particularly when they get to a certain age and start having prostate problems.

Despite this, in the case of women the overactive bladder syndrome goes in periods and can be due to various problems that we report below.

1. You drink too many exciting drinks


It might surprise you, but there are people who tend to drink not only too much coffee, but too many exciting drinks, such as cola or energy drinks. It is neither convenient nor healthy. You must remember that the amount of urine per day depends primarily on the body’s water and electrolyte balance.

If you consume too many exciting drinks, an alteration is produced and in the long run the kidneys suffer from this imbalance. It’s not worth it, so always remember not to overdo it with this type of liquid.

2. Diabetes

Do not be frightened because it is one of the causes that can however be eliminated immediately with a simple examination. Diabetes has various symptoms, including frequent urination, a tendency to become dehydrated and suffer from significant drops in potassium.

However, rest assured that diabetes is also associated with other characteristics such as weight loss, sleepiness, fatigue and fainting. Feeling a strong urge to urinate is basically due to not having insulin or not being able to use it properly.

Sometimes you have too much sugar in your blood which is then sent to the urine. All this makes us thirsty and consequently we go to the bathroom more often.

3. Some drugs

Sometimes, when you are under medical treatment, you are more active in your bladder and have a greater urge to urinate. Drugs such as Lorazepam are among those that usually have these effects. Read the side effects of the drug carefully if this happens to you when taking such treatment.

4. Stress-related disorders

Anxiety and stress are very common in some periods of life, becoming factors that alter biological functioning. You suffer from stomach problems, intestinal problems, nervousness, nausea, diarrhea.

The overactive bladder is also very common in these clinical pictures so typical of anxiety. A very important thing that doctors warn us about is that if you see that this is what is happening to you, you must remember to always carry a bottle of water with you.

Whenever you go to the bathroom and urinate, take a sip of water to avoid becoming dehydrated.

5. Infections

Infections are undoubtedly the most frequent cause of continual urge to urinate. An infection of the urinary ducts, urethra, bladder, kidney tissue, or even the vulva can cause you to suffer from this discomfort.

Sometimes it happens due to hormonal problems, bacteria or low defenses. It is usual and undoubtedly the most common cause. Always tell your doctor about this so that he can advise you on the appropriate treatment, as he will tell you which type of organism caused the infection and which drug is suitable for resolving it.

Meanwhile, we want to offer you some tips to follow at home.

2. Simple remedies for overactive bladder syndrome


We must never forget that excessive urge to urinate is a symptom of an illness or an alteration in health. The first thing to know, therefore, is that we must treat the problem from the causes.

Is it due to stress? To an infection? The ideal is to integrate the treatment prescribed by the doctor with these simple precautions.

1. Change your diet : avoid irritating foods such as vinegar, condiments, coffee, chilli, red meats, chocolate, cow’s milk and derivatives, refined flours and sugars, and instead increase the consumption of fruit and vegetables.
2. Start the day with a horsetail tea, with a few drops of lemon .
3. At night eat a soft clove of garlic with a glass of warm water. It is a fabulous antibiotic.
4. Drink infusions of ginger, an excellent anti-inflammatory that will be of great help.
5. Drink plenty of water so you don’t get dehydrated.

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