Spiced Drink To Detoxify The Body

If you don’t like spicy flavors, you can vary the proportions of the ingredients of this drink to make the most of its properties
Spiced drink to detoxify the body

Detoxification is the process of eliminating from the body the excess of toxic substances present in the blood, liver and excretory organs. The body has the ability to eliminate waste it does not need, however, it sometimes becomes overloaded and faces functional difficulties. We can help him in many ways, for example with a drink. 

Fortunately, there are a large number of natural ingredients whose properties stimulate the cleansing of the body, optimizing each of its functions. Find out how to create a drink with ginger, turmeric and chilli to detoxify the body.

The prodigious ginger, turmeric and cayenne pepper are ingredients known around the world for their wide use in cooking and medicine.

Together they create a powerful drink with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that promote purification and protect the main systems of the organism. In this article we want to share its properties with you in detail, also showing you the simple recipe to prepare it at home. Try it!

The benefits of this drink to detoxify the body

The ginger, turmeric, and cayenne pepper drink doesn’t taste very palatable, but it has powerful substances that give it wonderful health benefits.

It is indicated for cleaning the lymphatic system, but also to improve the immune system and increase the rate of metabolism.

Since our aim is not to make you have any doubts about its properties, below we will explain what benefits each ingredient brings.

Properties of ginger

powdered ginger

Ginger is a root, with a spicy flavor, used since ancient times in cooking and medicine.

It has always been part of Traditional Chinese Medicine only to be introduced in other cultures thanks to its richness of nutrients.

It has a high content of oils, vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids that prevent some diseases by strengthening the immune defenses.

Gingerol, an active compound that gives it that particular spicy touch, also gives it an anti-inflammatory and antiviral action that decreases the symptoms of joint, respiratory and digestive system problems. 

It should be emphasized that it is a source of:

  • Vitamins B and C
  • Minerals (calcium, phosphorus, aluminum, chromium)
  • Aspartic acid
  • Tryptophan
  • Flavonoids
  • Carotenes

Properties of turmeric

Turmeric is a spice from Curcuma longa,  a plant that is part of the zingiberaceae family. It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties used as a base to clean the liver, blood and other organs important for health.

Curcumin, its active compound, gives it properties to fight inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases that undermine the quality of life.

It is also one of the most suitable spices for brain health, as it avoids the formation of amyloid plaques responsible for senile dementia or Alzheimer’s.

It is recommended to take it because it accelerates the metabolism, fights arthritis and avoids the signs of premature aging.

Properties of cayenne pepper

hot pepper for drink

Cayenne pepper is a hot-flavored spice used in a wide variety of recipes and folk remedies.

Its fundamental characteristic is the high content of capsaicin, a substance that, in addition to giving it flavor, gives it antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. 

It is also a significant source of vitamins B, C, E and K, as well as calcium, potassium and fiber.

Nowadays it is used as a base for preparing ointments and creams as it has an analgesic power that blocks pain and decreases swelling. 

Its detoxifying benefit is attributed as it is able to improve circulation and increase the rhythm of the lymphatic and digestive system.

How to combine these ingredients in one drink to detoxify the body

turmeric milk detoxify

The preparation of this drink is very simple and does not require the use of expensive or difficult to find ingredients on the market.

If you want to detoxify, it is recommended to drink it for 5 to 7 consecutive days,  every two or three months.

Ingredients of the drink

  • 2 pieces of fresh ginger
  • 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder (10 g)
  • 4 lemons
  • 2 pinch of cayenne pepper (4 g)
  • 2 liters of water
  • Honey (optional)

Preparation of the drink

  • Put the pieces of ginger in a centrifuge and add the juice of three lemons to the liquid obtained.
  • To it, add two liters of water, the turmeric, the cayenne pepper and the slices of the remaining lemon.
  • Mix everything with a wooden spoon and sweeten with a little honey to your taste.
  • Let it sit for 10 minutes.
  • Drink on an empty stomach for the indicated amount of time.

If problems arise or there are doubts about the suitability of this drink, we advise you to consult your doctor; sometimes some of its components can cause side effects.

Avoid drinking this drink too much and always follow the advice we have just given you to benefit from all its properties.

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