Hyaluronic Acid In Dentistry: Benefits And Uses

Dental treatment products contain high molecular weight hyaluronic acid (EPM), which comes as close as possible to natural gum tissue.
Hyaluronic acid in dentistry: benefits and uses

Hyaluronic acid in dentistry has proved to be an effective treatment for diseases of the oral mucosa. It is, in fact, a substance naturally present in the gums.

In dental treatments, high molecular weight hyaluronic acid (EPM) is used, as it is very close to that naturally present in the gingival tissue.

Clinical studies conducted so far have shown that hyaluronic acid used in dentistry has characteristics similar to what our body produces. This promotes the healing and repair process of damaged tissues.

How does hyaluronic acid affect the oral mucosa?

Woman with open mouth showing gingivitis.

Hyaluronic acid concentrates in the outer layers of healthy gum tissue. It acts as a protective barrier against the mucosa, preventing a wound or lesion from coming into contact with food or drink.

It also helps to calm inflammation and discomfort thanks to its anti-edema effect, as well as promoting the healing of canker sores. In the case of periodontal diseases, the need for the affected tissues to produce hyaluronic acid increases exponentially.

What happens in case of hyaluronic acid deficiency?

As already mentioned, the need for hyaluronic acid increases during periodontal disease; the inability to naturally meet the high demand causes inflammation and pain.

In the presence of a lesion in the oral mucosa, the cells responsible for regenerating the tissue flow into the area and this causes a delay in the healing process.

Indications on hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is widely used to treat a variety of mouth conditions, including the following:

  • Inflamed mucosa: includes gingivitis, gum bleeding, gum recession or gum pockets.
  • Traumatic conditions: in particular wounds, oral cleaning, tooth extraction or psychosurgical treatment.
  • Diseases: especially those for which the gingival mucosa requires a greater supply of hyaluronic acid.

What are canker sores?

Small whitish ulcers with red edges are called aphthae. They normally appear on the tongue, inside the cheeks, and on the gums. They are more frequent affections in children and adolescents. They can cause severe pain that becomes worse when it comes into contact with food or drink.

Treatment with hyaluronic acid serves to calm the pain and discomfort associated with the presence of canker sores. This substance, in fact, protects the injured area and accelerates the healing process.

Benefits of hyaluronic acid in dentistry

Inspection of the oral cavity during a dental visit.

Currently the hyaluronic acid is widely used in dentistry. Thanks to its use, it is possible to obtain a number of benefits, including:

  • Pain Relief: These preparations form a film that protects the injury and reduces pain.
  • Protection against external agents: the food and drink ingested are also among the possible threats.
  • Tissue hydration: by forming a protective film, hyaluronic acid promotes water retention, consequently it favors the hydration of damaged tissue.
  • Contributes to the healing process.

Applying hyaluronic acid does not cause burning or discomfort, on the contrary it generates a pleasant sensation of relief.

How to use hyaluronic acid

After regular oral hygiene, apply hyaluronic acid 3 to 5 times a day for 3 to 4 weeks. It is advisable to wait about half an hour after its application before eating or drinking. The market offers several hyaluronic acid products that can be applied in different ways.

  • Oral gel: apply a layer on the injured area, massaging with clean fingers to promote correct distribution.
  • Rinses: rinse your mouth with 10 ml of hyaluronic acid for 1-2 minutes, it does not need to be diluted.
  • Spray: each spray guarantees coverage of the injured area with the same concentration of product. It is usually recommended to apply it 1-2 times a day on the inflamed area.

No unwanted effects

Hyaluronic acid does not exert any local or systemic effect on the oral mucosa. Its use is safe and has no contraindications or side effects, so it can be used without restrictions. It is ideal for children as it does not cause burning and is non-toxic.

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