Irritable Bowel: 10 Foods Indicated

Although these foods usually do not cause problems, if we are following a medical treatment for irritable bowel we must first consult our trusted doctor to verify its suitability for our specific case.
Irritable bowel: 10 foods indicated

People with irritable bowels  must follow a strict diet if they want to enjoy a good quality of life.

Some foods are particularly suitable, as they are able to reduce inflammation and restore the intestinal bacterial flora.

Find out in this article the 10 best foods to take care of irritable bowel.

Foods for the irritable bowel

1. Agar agar

Agar agar is an algae used in gastronomy to create jellies. Many vegetarians consume it to avoid animal-derived jellies.

With this food it is possible to thicken any liquid. The more we add, the more solid it will be.

Agar agar is therefore a vegetable gelatin that has the virtue of being able to function in the intestine, whether you suffer from constipation or diarrhea. This is due to its content of prebiotic fibers and minerals such as magnesium, calcium and iodine.

2. Chia and flax seeds

Woman with pain in the intestines

Chia and flax seeds are the best for promoting proper intestinal function without irritating this organ or its bacterial flora.

  • When soaked, chia and flax release their mucilage, which is a type of soluble fiber that makes the water gelatinous.
  • By drinking this water together with the seeds, a deep cleansing of the intestine is achieved.

3. Fermented foods

Foods subjected to a natural fermentation process are very useful for repopulating and protecting the intestinal bacterial flora.

This, in fact, can be altered by a poor diet, antibiotics or intestinal disorders.

The most common fermented foods are natural yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut or Kombucha tea.

4. Papaya

Papaya is good for the delicate intestine

Papaya is a delicious tropical fruit that is very suitable in case of irritable bowel. It has a light laxative and purifying effect and is suitable in cases of constipation, diverticulitis or intestinal parasites.

It is recommended to consume it on an empty stomach, raw, cut into pieces or in juices or smoothies.

5. Apple

Apple is an excellent fruit for improving digestion and intestinal balance; if we follow a correct diet, it can help us treat various intestinal disorders.

  • If we eat raw apple with the peel, we promote intestinal transit and fight constipation thanks to the soluble fiber it contains. This fruit increases the activity of the intestine and strengthens the muscles involved.
  • If we eat a peeled and grated apple, letting it become dark, we will be able to calm the diarrhea thanks to the tannins that appear when the fruit oxidizes and thanks to its high content of pectin, which retains water and slows bowel movement.

6. Kuzu


Kuzu is a fiber-rich starch that acts as a regulator in case of irritable bowel.

It is also recommended in cases of constipation alternating with diarrhea or spasms and a sluggish intestine, and also to improve the bacterial flora.

The kuzu dissolves in water and is heated until it becomes thick. At that point, being careful not to get burned, it is possible to take it in small sips.

7. Coffee grounds

This curious remedy is very effective for calming intestinal inflammation.

All we have to do is take a spoonful of coffee grounds with a glass of water on an empty stomach, at least half an hour before breakfast.

With this simple remedy we will notice almost immediate relief.

8. Sea water

Sea water

Seawater suitable for consumption is a medicinal food rich in minerals and trace elements that regulates intestinal functions, if taken correctly.


  • ¼ cup of sea water (50 ml)
  • ¾ of a glass of water (150 ml).


Mix the waters and drink a glass on an empty stomach, in small sips.

9. Plantain

Plantain is a medicinal plant that can be taken as an infusion and has the power to soothe and rebalance the intestines.

It is therefore very useful in cases of diarrhea, gastritis, peptic ulcer or irritable bowel.

10. Oats


Oats are an excellent cereal, rich in fiber and mucilage, two ideal nutrients to treat any type of intestinal ailment.

For it to be effective, we must take it cooked or after leaving it to soak. If eaten raw, it may be difficult to digest or cause stomach acid.

Oats are also very nutritious, give energy and vitality and relax the nervous system, thus preventing ailments such as nervousness, irritability or anxiety.

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