Flies: How To Remove Them From Home Thanks To 6 Solutions

In addition to being annoying, flies can transmit diseases to us if they rest on food or products we come into contact with, so the best thing is to keep them well away.
Flies: how to remove them from home thanks to 6 solutions

Flies are particularly annoying insects that, even if we try to keep away, they always find a way to lean on the different surfaces of our home.

Their presence may be due to poor hygiene, but in most cases they are attracted to uncovered leftovers and the dustbin.

They are also not very pleasing to the eye, but you have to keep them away for much more important issues: health.

This is because they are carriers of microorganisms that are harmful to the body which, for example, coming into contact with food, can infect us.

Therefore, it is necessary to find an effective way to keep them away, using ingredients of natural origin so that you do not have to resort to harsh chemicals.

Below we want to share 7 interesting natural solutions to use when flies invade your home.

1. Bags with vodka to keep flies away

drive away flies

Hanging some bags with vodka around the house is an interesting trick to ward off the flies that colonize certain spaces.

In addition to having an unbearable smell for these insects, the transparent bags refract the light forming prisms. This optical effect is annoying for the flight of flies which, consequently, will prefer to move away.

Even when they are constantly resting on you, you can apply a small amount of this liquid to the skin to remove them.

2. Basil

The properties of basil have interesting effects regarding the invasion of flies in the house. 

This medicinal plant smells unbearable for flies, which helps keep them away.

You can plant it in a pot or in the garden, but with its leaves you can also prepare an infusion to spray on insects.

3. Lavender essential oil

Lavender essential oil has a penetrating aroma that relaxes humans but repels insects.

Although we are used to using it for alternative therapies against stress and tension, we can also use it as a solution against the invasion of flies.

Spraying it with a vaporizer or diffusing the vapor (adding oil to hot water) helps us to keep these insects away and, at the same time, to spread a pleasant aroma around the house.

4. Eucalyptus essential oil

Eucalyptus essential oil is a highly valued product for its medicinal applications, especially for the benefits it brings to the respiratory system.

Its strong smell helps to clear the respiratory tract, especially in case of colds, asthma and bronchitis.

In addition to this, it is an ideal ingredient for disinfecting the surfaces of the house, as it eliminates microorganisms and avoids the presence of insects such as flies and ants.

Just pour it into a container along with warm water and spray the solution on the areas that tend to be overgrown.

5. Garlic

Cloves of garlic release volatile compounds which, in addition to giving it this particular smell, keep flies away.

Putting a few cloves of garlic on the kitchen surface or adding powdered garlic to foods will prevent these insects from landing on them.

You can also mince a few cloves of garlic to form a paste and place it in strategic points.

6. Apple cider vinegar

Acidic compounds in apple cider vinegar are an alternative solution to the chemicals found in the insecticides for sale to drive away flies and other insects.

Its properties and its particular aroma repel these animals and  disinfect the surfaces, thus removing the impurities left by them.

Although spraying it directly on flies gives good results, it is recommended to pour it into saucers to distribute around the house as a preventive method.

7. Cloves and orange

The classic natural air freshener based on clove and orange also acts as a remedy against flies due to the aroma it releases.

The penetrating aroma of cloves combined with the smell of citrus  is very annoying for these insects and, therefore, allows them to be kept away.

Put some cloves in an orange and put it in the kitchen or in a place susceptible to the invasion of these insects.

Ready to try these solutions? Prepare the one that attracts your attention the most and chase away these unsanitary insects once and for all.

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