Loss Of Voice Or Aphonia: Causes And Treatment

When aphonia is due to minor causes, such as a cold or rash, it resolves within a week.
Loss of voice or aphonia: causes and treatment

For aphonia we mean the total or partial loss of the voice or an alteration that leads to the two previous cases. It can be acute or progressive, depending on the cause.

When linked to minor causes, such as a cold or an irritation, it lasts no longer than a week. If, on the other hand, it is caused by an injury to the vocal cords, the loss of the voice can be chronic or persistent.

Among the causes of this disorder we can mention excessive use of the voice, the habit of shouting, allergies or gastroesophageal reflux.

Loss of voice is sometimes linked to alcohol consumption or smoking, or to the presence of viruses or diseases that block the vocal cords. There is also aphony caused by air conditioning, a very common form.

How to treat aphonia

girl screaming

To recover your voice, you first need to calm the irritation and inflammation of the vocal cords. For this purpose, the following tips are useful:

Let your voice rest

In case of loss of voice, it will be good to rest the vocal cords for a couple of days, as much as possible. You should also avoid coughing, scratching your throat or breathing with your mouth.


It is important to keep your vocal cords well hydrated by drinking two liters of water a day. This reduces the feeling of dryness in the throat. In winter it is heating that dries up the vocal cords. Remember to check that the ambient humidity is always around 40-60%.

Natural remedies

Aphonia generally is not accompanied by pain, but rather by a sense of discomfort. Some natural remedies that can be used are:

1. Water and lemon

Washes with hot water and lemon juice are an excellent remedy for aphonia. This is due to the antiseptic properties of the vitamin C contained in lemon.

2. Milk and honey

A glass of milk with two teaspoons of honey upon waking and one before bed will help soften your throat and recover your voice.

3. Ginger with lemon or honey

Ginger root has beneficial properties for our voice and helps eliminate phlegm. Together with lemon or honey it is an effective remedy for voice loss.

4. Propolis

It is an ideal natural antibiotic to calm any bacterial or viral affliction of the throat.

Its antimicrobial action, combined with its anti-inflammatory, healing and immunostimulating properties, make it a useful product to prevent and improve throat and respiratory tract disorders in general that can cause aphonia.

5. Infusion of sage

Sage is a plant that contains a lot of mucilage, a soluble fiber that helps calm the throat. It also has a repairing action on the mucous membranes and helps to calm redness and irritation.

6. Licorice

This is another great natural remedy for aphonia. Licorice has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. Helps open the airways, initiating the throat healing process. It is recommended to take it in the form of an infusion several times a day.

Treating voice loss with medication

anti-inflammatories against loss of voice

In case of aphonia or throat discomfort, anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen can also be used. Or you can ask the pharmacy for tablets with an antiseptic or, if needed, anesthetic effect.

These products also stimulate saliva production and calm irritation. On the other hand, you should never take antibiotics to treat aphonia, unless your doctor prescribes them for an oral bacterial infection.

How to prevent voice loss

While you certainly can’t control all the circumstances, you can still follow some tips to prevent aphonia. For example:

  • Do not shout in a habitual way, control the volume of the voice and avoid long talking in noisy environments.
  • Avoid spicy foods and alcohol consumption.
  • Promptly treat allergies, phlegm and digestive disorders.
  • Not smoking.
  • Drink a lot of water.
  • Warm up your voice and do breathing exercises.
  • Playing sports regularly. Physical activity improves muscle tone, helps maintain good posture and breathing, essential elements for speaking without difficulty.

Aphony usually resolves within a week. If symptoms persist, it is best to see a doctor to prevent the condition from becoming chronic.

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