Oranges And Honey For An Excellent Medicinal Breakfast

It is very important to wash the oranges well to eliminate pesticide residues, or to choose to consume organic oranges directly.
Oranges and honey for an excellent medicinal breakfast

If you are among those who have breakfast with a croissant and cappuccino in the morning, perhaps it is time to focus on the importance of starting the day with a more adequate breakfast. So why not try our medicinal breakfast with oranges and honey?

It is clear that as soon as you wake up we are all in a hurry, because we have many things to do and we don’t want to spend too much time in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

Well, there are both quick and beneficial options that are worth trying. Today in our blog we want to tell you about a delicious breakfast: oranges and honey.

How about preparing it tomorrow?

Oranges and honey: a medicinal remedy not to be missed

Healthy breakfast with oranges

Perhaps the combination of these two ingredients makes you think of the classic morning orange juice enriched with honey. Not so, our proposal is even healthier. For this reason, we invite you to take note of the following information.

Oranges yes, but better whole and not squeezed

We know that oranges, just like lemons, are fruits rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. There are some myths about orange juice that perhaps need to be debunked.

  • A freshly squeezed orange juice a day will not prevent us from any cold. Vitamin C by itself cannot prevent every disease.
  • It will increase the defenses, but alone it will not be able to avoid letting us catch the flu.
  • It is important to always make natural juices at home, and avoid buying ready-made ones from the supermarket. Despite this, between a juice and a whole orange, it is always better to choose the latter.
  • A glass of juice contains on average 3 oranges. This assumes about 210 calories that do not include an essential part of the fruit that we have completely eliminated: its fiber.
  • Orange juice is rich in fructose. It is important to know that fructose does not stimulate insulin adequately. On the contrary, it makes it more resistant and leads us to feel hungry after a short time and therefore to gain weight.
  • By taking a whole orange with the pulp, however, we will obtain multiple benefits that we should never give up.
  • The pulp of the orange is rich in pectin, a soluble fiber that blocks the absorption of cholesterol in the intestines and therefore takes care of our heart health.
  • A whole orange with honey powerfully raises our defenses, fights inflammation and turns into an antioxidant-rich remedy.

Yes to honey in the morning

oranges and honey for breakfast

In our blog we have already talked about the benefits of drinking a glass of water with honey on an empty stomach, but you may not know that eating oranges with honey is a natural resource suitable for the whole family:

  • If you combine oranges and honey, you will get a natural energy source suitable to start the day in the best possible way.
  • It is an antimicrobial remedy.
  • This breakfast is recommended for children and the elderly with very low defenses. Also ideal in winter when we have a sore throat, flu or allergies.
  • It is recommended to eat oranges and honey on an empty stomach. It is at that moment that our body can absorb their medicinal components with greater ease to start the day in the best possible way.

Oranges and honey: three ways to prepare your medicinal breakfast

oranges and honey for a healthy breakfast

Orange with honey and cinnamon


  • an orange
  • a tablespoon of ground cinnamon (5 g)
  • 25 gr of honey (one tablespoon)


  • To prepare this breakfast, all you have to do is take your favorite bowl or mug.
  • Peel the orange and cut it into 6 pieces.
  • Next, drop this generous spoonful of honey on top of the orange.
  • Finally, sprinkle some cinnamon on this delicious combination. The result will be amazing!

Orange and honey syrup


  • an orange
  • a partially filled jar of honey


  • This recipe is very practical and will come in handy on days when you have a cold or flu. You will need a jar of honey that is not totally full.
  • First, wash your orange well. Subsequently, cut it in half and with the help of a sharp knife, divide it into thin portions (without removing the peel).
  • Once ready, place it in the jar with honey. The idea is to let the orange soak in honey and make it a delicious medicinal remedy.
  • You can accompany these pieces of orange and honey with a slice of rye bread. A truly delicious breakfast!

Orange and honey with nuts


  • an orange
  • a tablespoon of honey (25 g)
  • 3 walnuts


  • Quick and easy. In this case we will just peel the orange, cut it into small pieces and put it in our bowl.
  • Then add the spoonful of honey and, finally, sprinkle the pieces of walnuts.

A delicious, healthy and energetic breakfast. What are you waiting for?

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