Increase Defenses And Prevent Flu

The healthier our eating habits, the more functional the immune system will be. This way we prevent colds, flu and coughs.
Increase your defenses and prevent the flu

To prevent colds and flu, the immune system needs to be strengthened. In this article, we explain how  to naturally increase defenses and protect airway health.

Colds and airways diseases are the ones that make us lose days of work or school, forcing us to bed. It is therefore important to increase defenses and prevent these ailments.

Low defenses are one of the reasons viruses get the better of our immune system. Why does it happen? Our pace of life makes us more sensitive to external attacks;  bad eating habits, lack of rest, stress, sedentary lifestyle, smoking are just some of the reasons that make life easier for viruses.

There are certainly drugs and supplements that help fight the flu, but in some cases the viruses become immune and relapse. Better, therefore, to try to prevent rather than resorting to medicines.

You may be wondering how to avoid catching the flu, colds and other respiratory diseases, since viruses are present everywhere, on the bus, in the office, at school. The answer is simple: by keeping the immune defenses strong. In this article we tell you how to do it naturally and economically.

7 foods that help increase the immune system

Garlic cloves

Nutrition is essential for keeping our immune system efficient. In the following list you will find 7 foods that will help you increase your immune defenses in a natural way.

  • Chicken broth. It is undoubtedly one of the dishes that allows our body to recover strength when we are cooled. Its proteins, vitamins and minerals help the immune system fight pathogens.
  • Garlic. This bulb, from the  Amaryllidaceae family,  has a high content of vitamin C and B. Above all, it has a strong antibiotic power and is able to fight viruses and fungi. You can take advantage of the virtues of garlic honey or chop it raw and add it to your dishes.
  • Brussels sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower. These three vegetables, which belong to the cruciferous family, are rich in vitamin C. They are also antioxidant foods.
  • Spinach and Swiss chard. They contain vitamin A, which helps prevent infections. Other foods rich in this vitamin are bananas, peaches and cherries.
  • Cereals.  Oats, wheat and rice help to increase the immune system thanks to the high content of vitamin B.
  • Royal jelly. It is an ideal supplement to protect the immune system. In its composition we find: lipids, proteins, large quantities of B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6 and B8), antibiotics, amino acids, folic acid and minerals such as calcium, iron, sodium, potassium and zinc. Undoubtedly, royal jelly is a food that increases our defenses quickly and naturally.
  • Yogurt. Its lactobacilli (probiotic bacteria) help our body to produce antibodies, protecting us from disease.

The healthier our eating habits, the more functional the immune system will be. This results in fewer colds, flu and coughs. It is also a good way to eat a more varied and tasty diet.

Herbs that help fight respiratory diseases and flu symptoms

Woman blows her nose with handkerchief

Another way to increase defenses and fight the symptoms of flu and respiratory diseases is to use medicinal herbs. Here is a small list of herbs and plants that can help us.

  • Eucalyptus. It is one of the most used plants in case of nasal congestion. Use it to make fumigations three times a day.
  • Elderberry. The infusion of elderberry flowers and leaves helps relieve flu symptoms. The best way to prepare the infusion is to add 30 grams of dried flowers and leaves to a liter of boiling water and leave them to infuse for 20 minutes. Drink it hot.
  • Echinacea. Helps strengthen the immune system; it also relieves and prevents the symptoms of colds. The best way to consume echinacea is by infusion, but you can also find it in tablets at the pharmacy.

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