Vegan Tacos: 2 Delicious Recipes To Prepare At Home

Tacos are a traditional dish of Mexican cuisine, generally prepared with meat. In this article, however, we will show you two different ways to prepare vegan tacos, using ingredients suitable for those who follow this diet.
Vegan tacos: 2 delicious recipes to prepare at home

Vegan tacos represent an excellent opportunity to include plant-based foods in our diet in a tasty and original way. They do not require very complicated processing and you can adapt them according to the ingredients you have available at home.

Recipes for vegan tacos

Vegan tacos with mushrooms

Tacos with mushrooms and avocado
Thanks to their nutritional value, mushrooms are excellent substitutes in vegan or vegetarian diets.

Mushrooms are a very complete food from a nutritional point of view. They are low in fat and sodium and have a large amount of vitamins (B2, B6, D2) and essential minerals (iron, phosphorus, potassium).


  • 10 large mushrooms
  • 1 white onion
  • 30 ml of soy sauce (2 tablespoons)
  • 1 leek
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • Salt and pepper
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • 10 corn tortillas


  • First, wash and cut the mushrooms into thin strips and put them in a bowl.
  • Add the 30 ml of soy sauce and the freshly squeezed lemon juice. Let the mushrooms marinate for about 15 minutes, so that all the flavors blend.
  • Peel and cut the onion and leek and sauté them in a pan with hot oil. Saute until they start to brown.
  • Add the mushrooms and mix all the ingredients, including the broth in which you have kept them, which must thicken.
  • Fill the tortillas with small portions of the preparation and add salt and pepper to taste.

Vegan tacos with soy granules

Vegan tacos with soy
In the vegan world, soy granules are widely used as a substitute for different types of meat.

The soy granular is a vegetable protein obtained from soy concentrate, which gives it its consistency. It is able to replace a portion of protein in diets that do not allow the consumption of animal proteins. It is generally used instead of minced meat or chicken strips.


  • 150 g of soy granules
  • 200 g of red pepper
  • 150 g of green pepper
  • 1 onion
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 leek
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Garlic powder
  • Origan
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • Wheat or corn tortillas


  • First, you need to hydrate the soy granules. Put it in a bowl and cover it with water. The time it will have to soak will depend on the manufacturer’s instructions; in general, however, 15 minutes should be enough. Drain and set aside.
  • Peel, wash and cut the red pepper, green pepper, leek and onion into strips.
  • In a pan heat some oil and add the vegetables in this order: first the onion, after 5-7 minutes the leek and finally the peppers.
  • Salt and pepper until the vegetables are browned and cooked to the point.
  • Add oregano, garlic powder and any spice you like.
  • Add the hydrated soy granules and stir-fry with the rest of the ingredients to blend the various flavors.
  • Then go on to prepare the tacos by filling the tortillas. 
  • The dish is ready to be eaten.

Corn tortillas can be purchased or they can be homemade. If you want to prepare them at home, just equip yourself with  flour, salt and water and follow the steps that we indicate in this recipe : Simple recipe to prepare flour tortillas at home.

Accompanying guacamole

Guacamole sauce
Guacamole is the perfect sauce for your favorite tacos.

In the following lines we will briefly explain how you can prepare an avocado-based sauce, better known as guacamole, to accompany these recipes.


  • 1 large ripe avocado
  • 1 medium tomato
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 medium sized onion
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • Fresh coriander
  • salt
  • Extravirgin olive oil


  • Peel and debon the avocado. Set it aside.
  • Wash, peel and cut the tomato and onion into small pieces.
  • With the help of a juicer, prepare the juice of half a lemon.
  • Peel and crush the garlic cloves.
  • Put all the ingredients in a mortar and mash them until they get a creamy consistency.
  • If you don’t have a mortar or you prefer the sauce to be less dense, you can use a whisk.
  • Add the coriander and a little olive oil and season with salt. The dish is ready to be eaten.

Tacos go well with a large number of sauces: you can choose guacamole, but also sour cream, mustard, a vegetable cream concentrate or vegan mayonnaise. Furthermore, you can change the ingredients of the recipes to adapt them to your tastes and nutritional needs.

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