How To Reduce Cellulite With A Few Simple Remedies

How to reduce cellulite with a few simple remedies

One of the nightmares of women is, without a shadow of a doubt, cellulite and finding how to reduce cellulite is one of the dreams of as many women.

The small holes that form mainly on the thighs and buttocks ruin the summers of many women, who find it difficult when they have to wear a bathing suit or a miniskirt, but also ruin the moments of intimacy with the partner.

In this article we present some simple exercises and we explain com and  reduce cellulite and feel beautiful all year.

What is it and how to reduce cellulite?

Most women have cellulite, even the thinnest ones and even the characters of fashion or entertainment. Cellulite consists of the formation of fat nodules in different areas of the body, but it is not considered a disease. There are different types or stages of cellulite: soft or flaccid, hard or compact, edematous.

Cellulite is an alteration of the circulation in the adipose layer, called the hypodermis. When the fatty tissue increases and the side walls swell, the so-called “holes” characteristic of cellulite are formed.

The important thing is to exercise to strengthen the muscle tone of the legs and buttocks. Physical activity must be accompanied by a balanced diet.

However, a definitive solution for this annoying problem has not yet been found. It is recommended to go up and down stairs, walking, jogging, running or doing aerobic sports. Anti-cellulite creams help, but it has been shown that results are achieved after a long period, as long as they are applied consistently.

The same goes for massages or lymphatic drainage, two treatments that can improve the situation, but do not definitively solve the problem. Many women resort to liposuction which, however, does not give definitive results.

Girl with cellulite

Exercises to reduce cellulite on the belly

When you decide to exercise, you need to start with a routine aerobic activity. This means walking, cycling (even an exercise bike) or jogging for thirty minutes without stopping. The ideal is a workout three times a week, to which you can add the following exercises:

  • Day 1: classic abdominals (4 sets of 15 repetitions), abdominals in multiple stages (rise and fall in two stages or rise in three stages and descend in one; 3 sets of 10 repetitions), abdominals with leg extension (3 sets of 20 reps), leg elevations (3 sets of 15 reps), side abdominals with weights (4 sets of 20 reps).
  • Day 2: lateral rotations with hands on the back of the neck (10 consecutive minutes), classic abdominals (3 sets of 10 repetitions), multi-stage abdominals (rise and fall in two stages or rise in three stages and descend in one; 3 sets of 10 repetitions) 10 repetitions), flexion of the legs lying on the bench (4 sets of 20 repetitions).
  • Day 3: classic abs (4 sets of 15 reps), lateral abdominals with dumbbells (3 sets of 20 reps), lateral abdominals (3 sets of 10 reps), lateral rotations (10 consecutive minutes) and leg elevations (4 sets of 15 reps) repetitions).
Fighting cellulite

Exercises for cellulite on the hips and buttocks

  • Squat : help yourself with a light rod (maximum 2.5 kg), with your legs spread shoulder-width apart, bend your knees lowering your torso as much as possible, and then return to an upright position. Do 4 sets of 15 repetitions.
  • Lateral extensions : standing, with one hand hold the pole upright on the floor. Raise the leg opposite the rod as high as possible. Do 10 lifts and then switch legs. 3 sets with each leg.
  • Crossed legs : With the rod to the side, cross the corresponding leg in front of the other. Then switch legs. 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Other exercises:

  • Back Extensions : Similar to the previous exercise, hold the rod with both hands in front of you. Lift the leg forward as if to give a kick. Alternate with the other leg 10 times and 3 sets in total.
  • Lateral Leg Raise : Lying on your side, on the floor or on the mat, place your elbow and forearm on the floor. Put your other arm in front of your torso. Raise the free leg as if it were a “scissor” 15 times, for a total of 3 sets. Switch sides and repeat the exercise with the other leg.


How to reduce cellulite on the legs and thighs with some exercises

  • Squat with legs spread : With the rod on the shoulders and the legs wide apart, lower yourself so that the knees form a 90 ° angle with the floor. Always keep your back straight, both when you go down and when you go up; 3 sets of 20 repetitions.
  • Dead weight : With the shaft forward, at groin level, lower your back so that it is perpendicular to the floor. The legs remain straight, do not bend. 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
  • Rod push- ups : With the rod between your shoulders, bring one leg forward and lower your glutes as far as you can. After a few seconds, bend the other leg forward. Alternate the movement by doing 4 sets of 10 repetitions with each leg.
  • Crossed legs : stretched out, resting your forearms and elbows well on the ground, bring your legs upwards with an alternating movement.
Exercises in the gym to lose weight

Some tips: how to reduce cellulite?

Keep these tips in mind by putting them into practice during your daily physical activity:

  • Walk for at least half an hour a day : this activates the circulation of the legs and eliminates some fat. In a few weeks the skin will be more toned and the cellulite holes less evident.
  • Use the stairs instead of the elevator : continuous effort and movement will improve your physical condition, you will lose weight and tone your muscles.
  • Do not wear too tight pants , especially jeans, because they do not allow to eliminate toxins and liquids that the skin does not need.
  • Take a shower with cold water : it will help you reduce the “orange peel” effect easily and economically.
  • Do not stay in the same position for long : standing and sitting positions are not suitable because the blood does not flow properly. If, due to work, you are forced to maintain the same position all day, take small breaks to move your legs.
Pilates exercises

Images courtesy of Tiago Celestino, Eric Menjivar, Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, US Army and Sally.

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