Growing Ginger At Home: How Is It Done?

It is recommended to plant ginger in spring or summer, because this root loves heat. It will take 10 months to grow. Once the time has elapsed, the rhizomes are ready to be eaten.
Growing ginger at home: how is it done?

You already know the great healing properties of the wonderful ginger. Few medicinal plants have as much therapeutic tradition as this root with a spicy lemon flavor, so pleasant on the palate. Would you like to grow ginger at home?

It is very easy. We explain how to do it!

Why is it interesting to grow ginger at home?

lemon water and ginger

1. Because it’s easy

Perhaps you are among those who think that ginger is an exotic plant that grows only in the East,  but know that in reality it is not a plant, but a rhizome that can be planted under the roof of your home.

A simple tuber that is easy to grow and which you can use to prepare your salads, sauces, dressings and delicious infusions.

2. For its therapeutic properties

  • Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory,  ideal for example for PMS. It relieves water retention and is a good relaxant, as it also relieves pain.
  • Ginger will also help you absorb all the nutrients from the foods you eat better.
  • It is a powerful digestive.
  • If you eat some ginger with honey, you can reduce the feeling of nausea, intestinal gas and eliminate stomach cramps. A real wonder.
  • If you make ginger tea, you will  reduce your sore throat,  cold symptoms and even the flu. It is very effective.
  • Taking a bath with ginger essential oil will also help you reduce joint pain. 

How to grow ginger at home?

choose roots to grow ginger

Choose the right root

It is so easy that it will surprise you. What you have to do is go to the supermarket and choose the ginger root that looks thicker and with a taut peel. Without many wrinkles, no rotten corners. Make sure that the peel is bright and light beige in color.

Prepare the bottom

Now prepare the bottom of the jar.  You have to choose a large vase. You must know that ginger likes to grow in a not very intense light, almost in dim light. The bottom must be moist.

The earth must be clayey and contain one part of sand for every three of the earth. At the bottom of the vase put some stones so that the water drains properly. Mix well and fill the jar up to three quarters of its capacity.

Plant the roots

Now make a hole in the earth and put half the ginger inside the earth itself. Do not remove any “buds” (growing shoots) present in the rhizome, as it will be these that will be buried.

Location and care

Once ready, put the vase in a dimly lit place or where the light does not come directly. Remember that what ginger likes best is the heat, so planting it in spring or summer is ideal.

Make sure it gets the right water,  then water it a little every day, making sure it doesn’t soak.

Ginger roots take about 10 months to grow,  by which time they will be edible. The important thing is to wait another two weeks after strong leaves and stems appear.

After this time, you can check below the surface if there are already rhizomes. For sure they will be small, but they will be ready to be consumed.

You can plant all the ginger you want.  With soft light, warmth and a little water every day, in less than a year you will have this tasty and spicy root. You will like it very much.

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