Essential Oils For Muscle And Joint Health

Essential oils are not aggressive to the body and help relieve muscle and joint pain. However, remember to dilute them to avoid irritating the skin
Essential oils for muscle and joint health

The disorders that impair muscle health are increasingly common nowadays. The triggers are different: from injuries during sports to incorrect postures, up to the deterioration caused by the passage of time.

Although it is a problem that significantly compromises the quality of life , unfortunately there are no pharmacological treatments for the health of muscles and joints that are effective in the long term .

For this reason, we recommend that you use essential oils for muscle and joint health. Certainly oral therapies are certainly more comfortable, you can take the drugs as needed where you want.

As for the muscles and extremities, however, topical treatments are much more effective. The pores of the skin allow the lotions to penetrate deeply to the damaged area of ​​the body in no time.

massages for muscle health

All this without damaging any organ of the digestive system and without danger to blood pressure. You may have wanted to try these remedies, but have been confused by the large amount of products available.

The fact is that certain essential oils are better suited to certain conditions than others, but how do you know which one is right? If you too have asked yourself this question, read on and you will find the answer you are looking for, radically improving your life.

What are the best essential oils for muscle health?

1. Rosemary chemotype camphor

chemotic camphor

It is among the most requested oils, in fact it is an excellent analgesic and muscle relaxant. Just what you need if you have muscle contractures or similar pains.As you know, contractures are among the main ailments affecting the world population.

The use of computers and smartphones together with the lack of time to perform physical activity have intensified these pains that torment us continuously.

Before resorting to drugs, the ideal is to apply the essential oil of rosemary chemotype camphor.It is not recommended for use in pregnancy, during breastfeeding and for children under the age of 6.

2. Gaultheria

Do you have problems with tendonitis or epicondylitis? As you know, they are crippling ailments, but Gaultheria essential oil (also known as Wintergreen oil) is an excellent pain reliever.

  • This oil is a natural aspirin for muscles and joints. In fact, anyone allergic to acetylsalicylic acid cannot use it.
  • As in the previous case, the use of this product is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women. It is also not suitable for children under the age of 6.

You can combine this treatment with localized heat therapy, yoga and a diet based on foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, powerful anti-inflammatories.

3. Azure eucalyptus

If you cannot resort to the first two natural remedies proposed and you were wondering which solution to adopt, do not worry.

  • The blue eucalyptus guarantees the same benefits, with the advantage of being suitable for anyone.
  • Its analgesic property is very powerful, it also helps to relax.

How are essential oils applied?

Essential oils

These products require topical application, so they are less invasive than traditional drug treatments.

For this purpose, it is preferable to dilute them in other substances, such as natural almond oil or arnica oil. Otherwise, they could irritate the skin.

Mixed with other liquids, these oils guarantee the desired effect without endangering the skin.

  • Naturopathic experts explain that the ideal is to first perform a light massage with almond or arnica oil.
  • Being anti-inflammatory products, they act against pain and prepare the skin for the application of essential oils.
  • After massaging the area in question for the first time, it is time to apply a few drops of the chosen essential oil on the affected area.

The effects will not take long to manifest. After a few minutes, the pain will subside.

You can repeat the treatment up to 4 times a day.

Incredible, right? We have finally discovered natural alternatives to relieve pain and allow us to do all the activities we like with the certainty of not damaging the body and, therefore, to lead a better life.

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