Pancreas: What Function Does It Perform And How To Take Care Of It?

People who may have pancreatic-related disorders usually have an obsessive character or repetitive ideas.
Pancreas: what function does it perform and how to take care of it?

We are all familiar with this gland in the body, but most of us cannot say exactly what function the pancreas performs  in the body, nor do we know how to properly care for it.

In this article we will explain the activity of the pancreas and which foods or supplements can help you keep it healthy so that it performs its functions correctly in the body.

Read on to learn more!

What is the pancreas used for?

The pancreas is a gland located in the abdomen, behind the stomach and in front of the spine. It has two basic functions:

  • It secretes digestive enzymes that reach the small intestine. This is the main function of the pancreas and is essential for digesting well, especially fats and proteins.
  • It produces three types of hormones that reach the blood : insulin, which regulates our energy, glucagon and somatostatin. The three hormones are related to each other and must be in balance to keep blood sugar levels normal.

Is your pancreas healthy?

Diseases that can be linked to the pancreas are pancreatitis, diabetes, cystic fibrosis and pancreatic cancer.

However, long before such diseases appear, the pancreas may be showing signs of malfunction.

We give you some pointers to understand if you need to pay special attention to your pancreas:

  • A malfunction of the pancreas affects the lips, appetite and taste, so if you notice any alterations in this regard, you must be careful. It is quite significant, for example, that we often have the need to eat sweet things, to feel full after a while and to have spent a short period of time again.
  • Another sign to keep in mind is the fact that you have chronic digestive problems and constipation. They could be related to other organs, but also to the pancreas.
  • If you are thin in build but notice that you have a swollen belly for no apparent reason, then it could be a dysfunction of the pancreas.

Foods that are good for pancreatic health

The best way to prevent disease of this organ, especially if you have a family history, is to add certain foods to your daily diet.

All these foods have the property of regulating blood sugar levels in a natural way, greatly facilitating the work of the pancreas.

  • Peas : These delicious legumes are a natural source of insulin, so they can’t be missing from your diet.
  • Brewer’s yeast : this supplement is essential in your diet because, in addition to having great benefits for this organ, it regulates the nervous system and is a great ally for the health and beauty of hair, skin and nails.
  • Stevia : is a totally natural and calorie-free sweetener that allows you to sweeten foods and drinks in a healthy way. However, in order for it to regulate blood sugar levels, it is important to take pure, unrefined stevia.
  • Cinnamon : This spice, which is often used in conjunction with stevia in the treatment of diabetes, should always be present in your dishes. You can use it to accompany fruit, yogurt and any type of dessert or add it to meats and stews.

Emotional issues

Even with natural treatments, you must always keep in mind any factors that may affect your health.

For this reason we will explain to you which emotions are connected to the pancreas.

People who may have pancreatic-related disorders usually have an obsessive character or repetitive ideas.

Sometimes they are habitual or have delusions that they don’t realize, but certainly the family members do.

These habits help mobilize the energy of this organ.

In addition to increasing the consumption of the foods we have recommended, contact with nature and especially with the earth is also essential.

Q T his may be of great help to free repetitive ideas that block the body and mind.

What are you waiting for to go to a park or any other place surrounded by nature, where you can walk barefoot, get wet, get dirty.

At the beginning it will not be easy, but little by little the body will ask for it and you will feel more cheerful and serene.

Man walks in the mountains

Images courtesy of beautifulcataya, ion-bogdan dumitrescu and marketing deluxe.

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