Perennial Victimism: People Who Always Complain

Chronic victimization distorts reality and leads victims to always find a culprit no matter what happens.  
Perennial Victimism: People who always complain

In certain situations in our life we have all assumed the role of victims. However, what happens when this behavior becomes part of our personality ? What happens when we always complain? We turn into people who suffer from perennial victimhood.

Perennial victimhood and pessimism

A victimist person is an unhappy and pessimistic person.  She sees everything black, she believes that all bad things happen to her and that bad luck pursues her everywhere.

The problem is that all of this is not true: the chronic victim has a distorted view of reality.

woman with head in the clouds victimhood

People who always complain about everything and everyone see life in an unreal way. Being so pessimistic and believing that all misfortunes happen to them allows this to become a reality.

We’ve all been through bad times and maybe right now you are doubting and wondering if you are a victimization person. Perennial victimhood is something that is maintained over time, it is an attitude towards life.

The fact that you are going through a crisis of pessimism does not turn you into a victim.

A pessimistic and victimized person feeds on negative emotions and feelings.  The problem is that he not only blames others for his misfortunes, but also adopts attitudes of contempt, aggression, intolerance and violence, and more.

The characteristics of a victim

If you are wondering whether or not you are a victim or if someone around you suffers from chronic victimization, here are some of the characteristics that best define these characteristics.

They distort reality

People who suffer from perennial victimization believe that what happens to them is the fault of others. For this reason, they never take responsibility for their actions and always place the blame on others.

The problem is that they distort reality in their favor and, in this case, everything makes them feel even more unfortunate, as they have no power to change it.

woman covers her face perennial victimization

They feed on their complaints

The complaints are the main food of any chronic victimizing. With complaints, these people manage to attract the attention of others, becoming the center of all eyes, feeling so important.

The worst thing is that they never ask for help, nor do they try to get out of a situation that doesn’t make them happy.  Their attitude  is simply to complain.

Objective: to look for culprits

Any victim looks for a culprit  to unload on him all the defects for which he does not want to be responsible. He believes that others are acting only for their own interests, that they use it and that they are bad people.

These people do not realize they are nurturing this attitude which, in reality, they appreciate.

Incapable of self-criticism

At this point, it is clear that any chronic victim is incapable of self-criticism. They do not conceive that there are improvements to their character.    

All that is negative is caused by others, by something they cannot control. They are just victims of mechanisms they cannot block.

Manipulation and emotional blackmail

The victims are transformed into expert manipulators of different situations and people,  in order to achieve all the objectives set. They know the victim softens anyone’s heart and they use this point in their favor.

For this reason, it is important to be aware that a pessimistic person will use emotional blackmail to feel even more victim  of a given situation. This person revels in pessimism, feeds on complaints, and blames others for feeling special.

woman manipulated as a victimization puppet

We must learn to treat these people, to neutralize them  so that they do not hurt us and infect us with their negative emotions. A victim is a toxic person who, like it or not, will make you sick.

For this reason, if you have the opportunity to exclude such people from your lives, do it!

You do not deserve that anyone will cloud your happiness with groundless complaints , the result of a distorted reality whose purpose is to martyr yourself.

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