Prevent And Treat Poor Circulation In The Legs

Keeping ourselves active can be one of the solutions to improve poor circulation in the legs since in this way we help activate the circulatory and lymphatic systems.
Prevent and treat poor circulation in the legs

Varicose veins, fatigue and poor circulation in the legs are very common problems  among women over 40.

In this article we will tell you what we owe these complications to and above all how to prevent and treat them.

Poor circulation in the legs: what to know

The lower limbs are a fluid exchange zone. It is the end of the path of the veins and arteries and allow the venous return to the heart.

During this process the blood vessels, the lymphatic system, the plasma and the proteins intervene. Therefore, when it is seen altered, the blood accumulates and is unable to “return” to the proper place. This is very common because we usually keep our legs down both sitting and standing.

The force of gravity puts pressure on the feet and causes various symptoms such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Swelling
  • Numbness
  • Varicose veins

How to reduce poor circulation in the legs

Changing daily habits is essential to prevent, treat or reduce this problem. It can be a little tricky at first, but you will get positive results in the end.

Pay attention to the following tips to improve poor circulation in the legs:

1. Change your posture

  • If you work in the office, get up from your desk frequently and walk around for a while.
  • You can also place a bench or a garbage can horizontally so that you can rest  your legs and keep them slightly raised while you are at the computer. 
  • If your job requires you to stand all day, try to sit for a few minutes every hour or take a few steps.

During long journeys by plane or train use footrests and get up from your seat as much as possible. If you are driving, make “technical” stops every one or two hours.

2. Engage in physical activity

The routine doesn’t need to be too demanding. Daily walks, a little swimming or a bike ride may be more than enough.

  • Light and prolonged exercise is essential for the lymphatic and circulatory systems to be activated.
  • Schedule 30 minutes of sport per day in your agenda.

3. Drink liquids

Girl drinking

A good way to counteract poor circulation in the legs is to take fluids that allow to eliminate toxins through urine.

  • It is important to ingest water, natural juices (freshly squeezed) and herbal infusions (e.g. horsetail or rosemary which are diuretic) to achieve this.
  • Avoid alcohol, sodas and coffee, as they have the opposite effect.
  • Don’t forget to drink 2 liters of water and increase it to 3 when it’s hot or if you play sports.

4. Raise your legs

In addition to putting on a bench to lift the legs while we work, we can combat poor circulation by repeating this method when we get home.

  • For example, when you sit on the sofa to watch television, you can put your heels on a chair.
  • When you go to sleep, lie down with your feet on the headboard or wall for a few minutes.
  • To sleep, you can place some pillows under the calves. The idea is to make the legs stand higher than the heart.

5. Eat more fruits and vegetables

fruit salad

Containing a lot of water and nutrients, they are perfect for leading a healthy diet that reduces water retention and poor circulation in the legs.

When our diet is rich in proteins and fats, the lymphatic system becomes overloaded and does not work as it should.

  • Eliminate all foods that “swell” the blood and collapse the exchange of fluids.
  • As much as possible, make sure that fruit and vegetables are raw or in season.

6. Take a cold shower

  • Before leaving the bathroom, direct a jet of cold water on your legs. Alternate cold and hot water continuously.
  • This method provides immediate relief when pain and fatigue are felt.
  • You can repeat the procedure even in the morning to avoid the consequences of having spent several hours with the limbs still in the same position.

7. Use special socks


They are known as graduated compression stockings and are used a lot during long air travel. They do not compress the legs and avoid poor circulation as well as the accumulation of fluids.

We also advise you to avoid pants that are too tight as they do not allow the correct venous return.

8. Cut back on salt and sugar

Sodium and glucose are two enemies of the lymphatic and circulatory systems and, for this reason, it is of fundamental importance to reduce them.

  • Salt increases blood pressure, promotes water retention and makes kidney function difficult. Replace it with aromatic herbs or with sea salt (in small quantities).
  • Sugar alters insulin levels and makes us gain weight. Choose stevia, honey or carob to sweeten infusions and sweets.

9. Get massages

Foot massages

When you get home, you can indulge in a self-massage session to improve poor circulation in the legs.

  • Once you have finished the shower (using the technique of alternating cold and hot water). put drops of rosemary essential oil on your hands and vigorously rub the lower limbs from the tips of the feet to the thighs. 
  • Finally, keep your legs elevated (on a pillow or on the wall) for at least half an hour.

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