Yoga Class: What Is The Ideal Duration?

To get the best results from a yoga class, the ideal is to make it a habit and dedicate a few minutes every day 
Yoga class: what is the ideal duration?

Yoga is a thousand-year-old discipline, originally from India, whose goal is the search for balance and happiness. To achieve them, each yoga class uses relaxation and meditation techniques that, practiced in silence, help us get in touch with our most spiritual side.

But what is the optimal duration of a yoga class? And what is the best time of the day to practice this discipline? In today’s article we invite you to delve into this discipline in such a way as to reap the maximum benefit, both in a group and alone.

Let yourself be seduced by yoga, which has now become a real lifestyle for people who want to improve inside and out.

How long should a yoga class last?


Yoga position

There are no hard and fast rules regarding the practice of yoga. The approach to this discipline is very individual. Since the goal is to find balance between the mind, body and soul, it is very difficult to define a time. In general, it should be understood as a long-term process. In other words, like a real lifestyle.

Always respecting particular situations, the ideal would be to dedicate a limited time to the practice of yoga several times a week.

Many people opt for 20 or 30 minute classes, 3 days a week. However, the ideal duration depends on many factors that affect our life (work, family, etc.).

What is the best time to do yoga?

One of the best times, and that many people choose to do some yoga exercises, is in the morning, before starting the daily activities and obligations.

By performing relaxation and meditation exercises, the mind and body are activated in the best way.

While this time may take some effort, as you have to get up early, you will be rewarded with a large energy intake.

Another perfect time for a yoga class or individual practice is the end of the day. If we choose this moment, we will be able to calm the mind and body from the accelerated pace of daily activities.

Thanks to this method, millions of people have managed to overcome their problems of insomnia, stress and anxiety.


Yoga at sunset

Yoga at any time

One of the great benefits of the relaxation and meditation techniques offered by yoga, at any time of the day, is the ability to calm the torrent of thoughts that run through our mind.

A serene, quiet and peaceful mind has clearer, more orderly and coherent thoughts. Conversely, when our intellectual core is overloaded and overwhelmed by a thousand thoughts, it is more difficult to be productive.

With yoga we try to silence all mental dialogues which, without meaning, do nothing but consume our energy. It’s about leaving your mind blank and focusing only on your body.

With this attention directed towards our inner world we can get in touch with the deepest part of ourselves and, for example, get to listen to the beating of our heart.

Day after day, with patience

Yoga is not a discipline from which miraculous results can be expected after a few days of practice. Physical benefits take time to notice, for example:

  • Better cardiovascular health
  • Greater elasticity
  • More toned muscles
  • Improvement of the nervous system
  • Burn the calories
  • Joint improvement

It is advisable to approach yoga with a patient and calm attitude. It is better to consider it a lifestyle, of which daily practice is only one aspect.

Girl doing yoga


At any time, drink water

While yoga may seem like a simple exercise or one that does not require excessive effort, it is not. Depending on the type of yoga we decide to practice, the body will burn more or less calories and, therefore, adipose tissue.

It is therefore  very important to keep the body well hydrated and to drink at least 2 liters of water a day, especially during physical activity. In this way, the tissues and organs will work optimally and we will avoid the injuries typical of poor hydration.

This discipline is also considered an excellent method to purify the body and drinking water will facilitate the elimination of toxins.

If our yoga class is in the morning, we will help activate the body for the day. Instead, yoga improves the detoxification process in the evening.

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