Heel Pain: What Is It Due To?

Many times the pain in the heel is due to excessive pronation, which triggers greater pressure on the inner area, which, in turn, gives rise to excessive overload on one of the two feet.
Heel pain: what is it due to?

The heel pain is as widespread as annoying disturbance. Who has never suffered from it? It is  a stabbing pain that extends all along the foot and prevents its normal mobility.

But what causes heel pain ? In this article we will explain the main causes of this problem, analyzing them one at a time in detail.

What are the possible causes of heel pain?

Barefoot on the lawn

Usually heel pain can be the consequence of a particular effort, some small accident or, simply, it is a pain that occurs without an apparent cause. You should know that the heel bone is the largest of the 26 bones that make up the human foot and has 33 joints.

It is therefore an extremely complex and delicate part at the same time, with more than 100 tendons, muscles and ligaments. As a result, it is normal for the health and integrity of this area of ​​the body to be compromised from time to time.

In general, pain is felt in the back of the heel, mainly because it hinders the biomechanics of the steps during movement. Tension and pain are the result of a number of factors that we will now explain in detail. Remember, however, that your doctor will be the one to correctly diagnose any problems and advise you on appropriate treatment.

1. Heel spine

Heel spine

IS arguably the most common cause of heel pain. But what exactly is the heel spur? This is an excessive bone growth on the lower part of the heel or, in other words, a kind of prolongation of a few millimeters of the bone itself that causes intense pain.

Usually the heel spur appears following an excessive effort of the muscles and ligaments of the foot for which traction is exerted on the plantar fascia, which goes from the heel to the anterior part of the foot; as a result, the membrane covering the heel bone tears.

What is all this due to? To a bad step, to unsuitable shoes, to having strained the foot too much and also to obesity. Keep this in mind because heel pain is usually caused by heel spurs.

2. Plantar fasciitis

Pain in the heel and sole

If the heel pain extends to the sole of the foot, it is likely plantar fasciitis. We are talking about an inflammation of the fascia of fibrous connective tissue (plantar fascia) that extends along the sole of the foot, from the heel to the front of the foot. It is usually the consequence of excessive exertion, prolonged walking, running or wearing unsuitable shoes.

The fibers of the plantar tissue are overstretched or broken, which is why the pain is so severe. Another aspect to consider is that heel spurs are sometimes associated with plantar fasciitis as well.

When you have plantar fasciitis, rest relieves the pain only temporarily. In fact, it is very likely that it will recur every time you perform movements with the heel. In this case, it is important to contact your doctor, who will indicate good habits and a treatment to follow.

As for home remedies, we remind you that ice relieves pain and that massages with rosemary oil reduce inflammation. Bandages are also a good solution, as is rolling your foot on a bottle of ice water.

3. Excessive pronation

Woman strolling in a park

You may not know what excessive pronation is. This phenomenon occurs when we walk incorrectly, i.e. when the foot rotates excessively inward. Make sure that when you walk, the heel touches the ground first, because the weight is placed first on the outside of the foot and then on the big toe.

Excessive bending of the foot (or rather the arch of the foot) could stretch it and cause abnormal tension in the ligaments and tendons, connected to the lower part of the heel bone. If this foot injury is not corrected, it can also have serious consequences on the knees and pelvis. If you don’t correct the way you walk, the whole skeleton will suffer from this imbalance. Strange but true!

4. Other causes of heel pain

Woman with high shoes
  • Rheumatoid arthritis and other forms of arthritis : a very common and painful reality. In the case of arthritis, the complex joints in the heel are the most affected part.
  • Gout : Excess uric acid in the body can lead to inflammation not only of the big toe, but also of the heels. The discomfort is very intense.
  • Bursitis : you have surely heard of it, it is a disorder similar to the heel spur, but in this case the abnormal growth concerns a nerve. It is a neuroma that oppresses the back of the foot and has developed poorly.
  • Haglund’s deformity : also very common. Do you know what it is due to? To the excessive use of high heels. IS caused by the excessive prominence of the posterior part of the calcaneus, where the Achilles tendon is located. IS very painful.
  • Inflammation of the Achilles tendon : if you have an active lifestyle and play a lot of sports, you have surely heard of this type of injury. The inflammation in question is known as “Achilles tendinopathy” and occurs when this part of the foot is subjected to a lot of tension with a certain frequency.
  • Bone bruises : usually occur following a blow. Maybe a wrong step when you stumble on something or when you get a sudden blow. In this case, you will have no problem recognizing the cause of the heel pain. If this happens to you, remember that the first thing to do is apply ice to the area in question.

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