Aging Of The Hands: 7 Beauty Tips

The application of creams with localized massages, as well as sun protection are essential for having young hands; we must protect them from the early signs of aging.
Aging of the hands: 7 beauty tips

The care of the organism largely depends on healthy habits that allow it to adapt to the passage of time and adapt to changes. It is in this way that good results are obtained both on health and on physical appearance. For this reason, in this article we provide you with some tips to combat aging of the hands.

The hands are among the main parts of the body to take care of. the use we make of it every day is intense and constant. For this reason, the skin and joints are affected by the effects of age and certain routine activities.

Currently, there are several ways to take care of the health of our hands. Aesthetic treatments for hand health are very effective and vary according to the price and the type of technique applied.

Today we present some treatments offered by the cosmetic industry to counteract the aging of the hands . We will also reveal some tricks or habits to apply on a daily basis to take care of them.

Aesthetic treatments to counteract aging of the hands

Hand cream

Seeking the assistance of a dermatologist or hand care specialist is always a good idea. Through a series of medical tests, it is possible to determine the most suitable therapy in each individual case, based on the type of skin and the state of health of the person.


Mesotherapy against aging of the hands

This treatment is applied in case of dry hands, with very defined lines and wrinkles and that require hydration. People suffering from osteoarthritis often resort to this type of treatment. As confirmed by some studies conducted at the University of Tor Vergata.

  • This treatment consists in the application of homeopathic medicines based on chemical compounds and vitamin complexes capable of revitalizing the skin tissue and providing deep hydration.
  • This stimulates the production of collagen and the skin acquires a brighter appearance and regains its elasticity.

Chemical peels

Chemical peels

This procedure is based on the exfoliation of the hands through the application of medical treatments with specific chemicals. According to this study conducted by the University of Barcelona, ​​the procedure confers truly therapeutic effects.

It is ideal for hands with blemishes and wrinkles. Over time, the skin acquires a smoother and more youthful appearance and the result is noticeable.

Filler to counteract the aging of the hands

Hands filler

This treatment is particularly suitable for hands that have suffered a considerable loss of thickness and whose skin therefore has an almost transparent color, so much so that the veins under the surface are largely visible. According to this study published in the Cirugía Plástica Ibero-Latinoamericana journal , the results have so far proved satisfactory.

  • Topical or local anesthesia is performed, and then polylactic acid or hyaluronic acid is injected. 
  • The results obtained are incredible, as the skin considerably recovers its thickness.

Further tips to combat aging of the hands

The following tips must be accompanied by correct habits to be put into practice every day to keep the skin of the hands beautiful and healthy. They are really simple and only require a little effort on your part.

Massage before bed

Hand massages

While we sleep, the body adopts a state of relaxation in which the cells regenerate and some nutrients are assimilated. It is therefore advisable to have massages with creams containing natural oils or some infusions to keep the hands well hydrated.

  • Massage your hands with gentle, circular movements.

Protect your hands

Protect your hands

The ambient temperature is one of the factors that most affects the state of the hands. Get used to protecting them from cold and heat with moisturizing creams and oils. Using sunscreen before going out and exposing yourself to sunlight is extremely important.

Use the right soap and don’t overdo it with cleaning


This is an activity we do every day, so using a soap that adapts to the condition of your skin is essential. We suggest using  natural ingredients such as floral oils, aloe vera, honey, shea butter or oats.

Finally, while maintaining hygiene is essential, avoid washing your hands more than necessary. Like climate change, too much water can weaken the skin on your hands and reduce their softness. This is stated in this British study published in the British Journal of Dermatology .

With these simple steps, it will be easy to take care of aging hands.

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