Red Spots In The Eyes: Why Do They Appear?

Although the red spots in the eyes can cause concern and fear, in most cases it is nothing serious and does not endanger your health. They almost always disappear on their own as the days go by.
Red spots in the eyes: why do they appear?

Red spots in the eyes are also known as ocular effusions or subconjunctival hemorrhage. They form when some capillaries break in the area of ​​the eye called the conjunctiva.

As a result of this, blood is deposited between two parts of the conjunctiva: the sclera and the bulbar conjunctiva. While they can be impressive, these spots are generally not a major health problem.

Typically, red spots in the eye are not caused by a bump or injury. In almost all cases, in fact, you notice them when looking in the mirror, as they very rarely cause pain or blurred vision.

Red spots in the eyes

Eyes red from exhaustion.

Red spots in the eye are blood spills that appear on the white part of the eye. They have a bright color and are visible to the naked eye. As already highlighted, they are caused by the rupture of capillaries whereby the blood remains between two parts of the conjunctiva.

While they may sound alarming due to their appearance, they do not generally indicate a serious health problem. These are almost always temporary lesions, which in most cases resolve on their own within a week. It shouldn’t even be necessary to see a specialist, unless they happen very frequently.

Red spots in the eyes are usually not accompanied by other symptoms. A visit to the ophthalmologist is only recommended in case of signs of external bleeding, traces of blood in the iris, constant pain, blurred vision, sensitivity to light or the appearance of a swelling in the eye. In these cases, it can be a corneal effusion, which requires immediate attention.

The conjunctiva

Rubbing can cause red eye spots.

The conjunctiva  is a very thin, elastic and transparent membrane that lines the white part of the eye, called the sclera. It also covers the inside of the eyelids.

It plays an important role in the defense and protection of the eyes, in fact it constitutes a protective barrier against possible infections. Likewise, the conjunctiva is essential for providing the necessary lubrication to the cornea.

There are a large number of blood vessels in the conjunctiva. These can rupture and cause small spills of blood to seep into the sclera. When the amount of blood reaches a certain volume, red spots appear in the eyes.

Why do red spots appear in the eyes?

Eye hemorrhages appear for many different reasons. In most cases, they are due to one or more of the following causes:

  • Sudden increase in blood pressure: Occurs with very strong sneezing or coughing that leads to rupture of the capillaries.
  • Trauma to the eyes: Sometimes a small bump or just vigorously rubbing the eyes can cause small blood spills.
  • Medicines: Some medications can affect blood clotting and cause red spots to appear in the eyes.
  • Concomitant diseases: only in a minority of cases bleeding is caused by hypertension or diabetes mellitus.

Subconjunctival hemorrhage is unlikely to impair visual health or be a symptom of serious illness. Most often, the sclera itself reabsorbs the blood in no more than 10 days. For this reason, there are no standardized treatments to address the condition.

Control hypertension.

Other data to consider

Red spots in the eyes are usually very noticeable at first. As the days go by, however, the tone darkens. Then, little by little they begin to dry out until they disappear completely.

It is normal for the eye to have a yellowish tint at the end of this healing process. During this time it is advisable not to sleep on the left side of the body and to avoid the consumption of alcohol and tobacco. In no case is self-medication recommended.

Likewise, rubbing your eyes is not recommended, as this may increase bleeding. If the cause of the stain is a bump, you will need to see your doctor to determine the extent and possible consequences.

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