6 Reasons Why Eating Salmon Improves Health

Salmon can be of great help in losing weight. Provides lean proteins and fats that promote the formation of muscle tissues and help burn calories.
6 reasons why eating salmon improves health

The salmon is considered one of the varieties of healthy and delicious fish that you can eat.

It is an important source of protein, omega 3 fatty acids and essential vitamins and minerals that play a vital role in health.

It is currently one of the most recommended by nutritionists, in fact its composition makes it perfect for any type of diet and is one of the best foods to take in lean fats.

The best thing is that it is very versatile in the kitchen and, therefore, can be used for a large amount of recipes, combining it with spices and other ingredients.

Many people still don’t know how healthy it can be to eat this food at least twice a week; for this reason, below we will share the 6 reasons why we should start eating salmon frequently.

1. Improve cardiovascular health

Salmon with asparagus

One of the main benefits of salmon comes from its high content of omega 3 fatty acids.

This nutritional principle is a protective agent of the health of the heart and the cardiovascular system, in fact it helps to eliminate the lipids that accumulate in the blood vessels, as well as repairing the tissues and regulating blood pressure.

Taking it on a regular basis can prevent hardening of arterial tissue, one of the most common factors causing heart attacks and cerebrovascular accidents.

2. Reduces inflammation

There are many factors that can increase the body’s inflammatory response and cause various diseases.

Thanks to the significant supply of omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidant compounds, salmon can also keep this inflammatory process under control.

As many people already know, inflammation can be a symptom of serious ailments such as diabetes, arthritis or heart disease.

Consuming at least two servings of this fish per week  could help decrease joint pain, and at the same time foment the production of tissue in cartilage.

3. Protects the bones


Another important nutrient contained in salmon is calcium. This mineral, along with calcitonin, helps keep bones healthy to prevent disease and weakening.

This property makes it suitable for menopausal women, whose estrogen level decreases, increasing the risk of osteoporosis due to the loss of bone density.

4. Helps to lose weight

Thanks to its high content of essential nutrients, it is not surprising that salmon is considered one of the best allies for weight loss.

Contains proteins and lean fats that contribute to the formation of muscle mass and the elimination of excess fats.

Furthermore, one hundred grams of salmon provide only 208 calories and have a high satiating power that avoids the ingestion of excess calories.

5. Improve brain function


The antioxidants and the high intake of omega 3 fatty acids such as DHA help boost brain activity to think more clearly and prevent cognitive impairment.

The consumption of salmon improves the mood and decreases the secretion of stress hormones, to improve mental performance.

Furthermore, omega 3 can prevent cognitive diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

Finally, it has been shown that people who eat salmon frequently are less likely to suffer from depression.

6. Improve sleep quality

Those who have difficulty sleeping or suffer from sleep disorders can reap several benefits by including salmon in their diet.

This food contains tryptophan, a substance with a sedating effect that helps you sleep better and without interruptions.

Contraindications of salmon

Grilled salmon

Although this variety of fish has many benefits, there are some cases where it would be best to avoid it,  as it could be counterproductive.

For example, if salmon is salted, smoked or frozen, its already high sodium content grows and could prove harmful to people suffering from high blood pressure or water retention.

It is not even convenient to include it in cases of diet for gallstones, for digestive problems or fat absorption, because, even if of a healthy type, they are still fat.

Obviously, those with allergies or intolerances to fish must absolutely avoid it.

Furthermore, in the case of high levels of uric acid, it would be better to keep its consumption under control because purines can make the problem worse.

With the exception of these specific cases, it would be advisable to start including salmon more frequently in our diet.

If integrated into a healthy eating plan, this fish contributes to improving the quality of life in many ways.

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