Skin With Depigmentation And Spots, How To Treat Them?

Depigmented skin and with spots, how to treat them?

The passage of time, exposure to the sun and bad habits can cause irregularities and alterations that cause the problem of depigmented skin.

Sometimes, these are dark spots, others, on the other hand, are light spots, as if that area of ​​the skin lacks pigmentation.

In this article we will explain how to treat depigmented and blemished skin naturally with the help of lemon, strawberry, rosehip oil, aloe vera and turmeric.

Why do spots appear on the skin?

If you want to treat depigmented skin and eliminate spots, below we will show you the most suitable natural remedies to do it without damaging it. However, if you have several spots, you will need to try to understand their origin to avoid new ones.

The most common reasons are the following:

  • Excessive sun exposure, especially without SPF cream or lotion.
  • Hormonal changes during pregnancy.
  • Use of oral contraceptives.
  • Acne in chronic form.
  • Aging.

Treat depigmented skin with lemon

The first case we will talk about is that of dark spots. In this case, we point out the wonderful properties of lemon.

The citrus par excellence, in addition to being purifying, is ideal for lightening, cleaning and disinfecting the skin.

If you have sensitive skin, lemon can be a bit irritating, so we recommend combining it with a few drops of liquid glycerin, which you can easily find at the pharmacy.

In a small glass bowl, mix the two ingredients. You can also add a few drops of vitamin E, which is used as a preservative in cosmetic products. Keep your preparation in the refrigerator.


Aloe vera

Aloe vera, used in many countries for various skin problems, is a plant that helps moisturize oily skin and heal acne marks and wounds.

You can get the gel directly from the plant or buy the product in a pharmacy or herbalist’s shop, although the more natural it is, the better it will keep its properties intact.

We recommend that you apply the aloe vera gel twice a day and wait for it to dry before using your moisturizer as usual.

The strawberry

Strawberry is another fruit that has the ability to progressively conceal dark spots on the skin.

In this case, the application is a little more complicated than the previous remedies, so we advise you to make a natural mask once a week as a complementary therapy to the daily use of lemon or aloe vera gel.

Mash a ripe strawberry with a fork and apply it directly to the skin spot. Leave it on for half an hour and then rinse with water.


Rosehip oil

Rosehip oil is the best remedy for the two problems discussed in this article because it has the property of regulating skin pigmentation.

If you suffer from hyperpigmentation (dark colored spots), rosehip oil will gradually reduce it. If, on the other hand, you have depigmented areas of the skin, i.e. lighter than the rest of the skin, the oil will improve re-pigmentation.

How is rosehip oil used?

  1. This oil can be applied to the skin pure, that is, without diluting it, unlike other oils which, on the other hand, can be irritating and need to be diluted.
  2. You have to apply it twice a day to the area of ​​the skin where there are spots.
  3. You can buy it at a herbalist’s shop or in shops that sell natural cosmetics, but avoid buying it if its authenticity or quality is not certified.
  4. Keep it in a hermetically sealed dark glass container or bottle.


It is a spice that we have talked about on numerous occasions for its anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties, it is useful not only to eliminate skin spots, but also to nourish it and reduce inflammation, so it is ideal in cases of delicate skin or with eczema.

Turmeric is particularly good for spots that are lighter in color than that of the skin.

We suggest a homemade cream to apply on the skin. They only serve turmeric powder and bee honey.

How is it prepared?

  1. Mix good quality honey with turmeric powder until you get a thick cream. Apply this mask for half an hour on the depigmented area of ​​the skin and then rinse well.
  2. Repeat the treatment every day for at least a month.

Images courtesy of Chugy, Frabisa and Manchester-Monkey.

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