Fruit That Helps Digestion, Here’s The Best

To make the most of their properties and better absorb nutrients, the best thing to do would be to eat fruit during meals, along with vegetables and lean meats.
Fruit that aids digestion, here's the best

We all love fruit, but sometimes we don’t know when it’s good to eat it to aid digestion. Above all, we do not know which are the most suitable fruits. In fact, some can help us absorb nutrients or take care of our stomach and intestines. So what is the fruit that aids digestion? We explain it to you below!

Fruit that aids digestion

1. The pineapple


For sure you already knew: this wonderful fruit contains a digestive enzyme essential for digestion, called bromelain. It is a very important element, a type of protein that increases the speed of biochemical reactions and is therefore essential for digesting proteins.

It is very important to always consume it fresh, for example by preparing fruit salads or adding it to salads. In addition, it is a fruit that is easy to combine with different types of food.

It is also good to know that you can find this enzyme in herbalists in the form of edible capsules, but we recommend that you always prefer natural fruit. It is tastier, anti-inflammatory and great if, for example, you have arthritis.

Lpineapple can be an essential result in digestive therapy. In fact it is at the top of this list. Consume it as often as you can.

2. Papaya


Tasty, refreshing and perfect for diets. We find it among the fruit that aids digestion and is another of the main natural sources of digestive proteolytic enzymes.  The natural element it contains and promotes digestion is called papain, and is present both in the fruit and in the papaya tree .

A few mouthfuls of papaya will be enough to be able to digest any food well, absorbing all its proteins. It is simply wonderful. It also reduces possible diarrhea and nausea, you take care of the intestine and stomach, etc. Do not hesitate and always buy it when you find it fresh, to enjoy its benefits.

3. The kiwi


Are you a kiwi enthusiast? Then enjoy it after every meal, as a dessert or in salads.

Kiwi is a fruit originally from China and stands out for its therapeutic properties, as it is rich in an enzyme called actinidain protease . This substance has an effect very similar to that of bromelain and papain, acting as a catalyst in the digestion of proteins.

In oriental medicine it has always been used to treat various diseases. Instead, in the Western world only in recent times are we beginning to discover its great virtues.

A little curiosity: there is nothing healthier and more digestive than a fruit salad of kiwi, papaya and pineapple. According to experts, their three enzymes act differently once they arrive in the stomach, mixing with the pH. This is why, when taken together, they take care of our digestive system in an unbeatable way.

But what is the best time to eat fruit?

fruit that aids digestion

This is a question with a capital D. Should I eat fruit that helps digestion after meals, as a dessert? Or before? Or during?

Well, the ideal is to eat it with meals. It is usually said that it is also excellent to eat it on an empty stomach, since it is almost always digested in the small intestine, where it acts, then quickly passes through the stomach.

Furthermore, we recommend that you combine papaya, pineapple and kiwi in your lunch.

Together with eating fruit that helps digestion, you can prepare salads that contain, for example, also dried fruit. You can also use them as a side dish along with lean meats and green leafy vegetables.

So you get all the protein you need from your meals, absorbing nutrients much more effectively.

Finally, here are some examples of how to eat fruit that helps digestion depending on the time of day.

The morning

  • A natural orange juice
  • An apple cut into small pieces with some walnuts

For lunch: different types of salads

1. Pineapple and shrimp salad:

  • shrimps
  • 2 slices of pineapple
  • goat cheese
  • lettuce
  • cherry tomatoes

2. Pineapple and anchovy salad:

  • a tomato
  • lettuce and spinach
  • 2 slices of pineapple
  • two anchovies into small pieces
  • a little olive oil and apple cider vinegar

3. Papaya and Chicken Salad:

  • half papaya
  • half a cucumber
  • half a carrot
  • 100 grams of chicken breast
  • 1 ripe tomato
  • half a jar of natural yogurt
  • 2 walnuts
  • a few drops of lemon juice

4. Kiwi and Goat Cheese Salad:

  • valerianella
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 kiwi
  • a slice of goat cheese
  • 5 black olives
  • 100 grams of chicken breast
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • a little apple cider vinegar

In the afternoon

  • A glass of apple juice and a handful of raisins

For dinner

  • The ideal is to prepare yourself a glass of grapefruit juice and a light salad with fruit, to accompany your dinner.

We give you some examples.

1. Avocado salad:

  • a small beet 
  • half an apple
  • half an avocado
  • two walnuts
  • a few leaves of spinach
  • apple cider vinegar
  • a little olive oil

2. Pineapple and carrot salad:

  • 1 grated carrot
  • 2 slices of pineapple
  • a piece of salmon into small pieces
  • raisins
  • 3 cherry tomatoes
  • a little lemon juice

So, as you can see, it is possible to combine fruit, vegetables and proteins of both meat and fish, to obtain dishes that are simple to prepare and really tasty.

In fact, a little imagination is enough to take care of your health by consuming fruit that helps digestion!

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