Castor Oil: Indications And Contraindications

Do you suffer from constipation? Did you already know that castor oil can help you? Today we will talk about its uses, properties and also about contraindications.
Castor seed oil: indications and contraindications

Castor seed oil is extracted from the Ricinus communis plant and is a natural remedy with various beneficial properties. However, it is good to investigate both the indications and the contraindications of this oil, precisely because of the repercussions they have on health for better or for worse.

We also remind you that, although natural products, in general, do not produce side effects, it is always better to ascertain that you are not in such health conditions as to exclude their consumption.

Below you will find all the information to learn more about the ‘ castor oil . Don’t miss it!

Castor oil

Before talking about the indications and contraindications of castor seed oil, we invite you to consult the technical data sheet of a product based on this substance, drawn up by the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA). In it, you can find very interesting information about the composition and interactions of this product.


The people who use this oil have a very specific purpose: to facilitate intestinal evacuation. It is a natural way to combat constipation, both occasional and frequent. However, to use it correctly, it is essential to consider the following aspects:

  • Castor oil should always be given on an empty stomach and in a single dose of 25ml.
  • It can be taken by mixing it with milk, fruit juice or any carbonated drink.
  • The effects appear 2-6 hours after taking.
Man with toilet paper in his hand
Constipation sufferers can use castor oil to help with bowel evacuation.

Another very important aspect of this oil is that it should always be taken at breakfast and never in the evening. If we have to get away from home and are afraid that the urge to evacuate arises at an inappropriate time, it is preferable to consume castor oil on other occasions.


Despite the undoubted benefits of castor oil for constipation, there are some contraindications to consider to avoid misusing it. Let’s see some of them:

  • Children : Due to hypersensitivity to this remedy, in children under the age of 12, its use is not recommended.
  • Pregnant women : This oil should not be taken by pregnant women, as it can cause contractions and premature birth.
  • Breastfeeding : given that babies cannot take castor oil, it should also be avoided during breastfeeding, as it can pass into breast milk.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome : Due to the mild nature of this disorder, the use of castor oil is not recommended, even in the case of constipation.
  • Intestinal obstruction : castor oil may not be effective in this case, causing acute abdominal pain, due to the inability to evacuate.
Man with stomach ache

Castor oil should be avoided by those suffering from hemorrhoids, colitis and other similar ailments. The reason is not only in the pain it can experience, but also in the dehydration it can cause.

It is also not recommended in case of drug therapies for arrhythmia, diuretic drugs or if you suffer from heart disease.

Tips for the proper consumption of castor oil

If we consider all the aspects just mentioned, castor oil is an excellent ally in the treatment of constipation. However, if in doubt, it is always best to ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice.

Although it is an excellent aid for intestinal evacuation, it is good not to resort to it frequently. It is best to prevent constipation by following a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Also, let’s not forget to include exercise in our habits.

Have you ever used castor oil for constipation? How was your experience? We hope that the indications and contraindications we have provided will help you to use it to the fullest.

We also recommend not to exceed the recommended dose. Overdose can cause symptoms such as diarrhea, acute colic or severe electrolyte loss. Therefore, always consume it with the utmost caution.

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