6 Alternative Uses Of Aspirin You Don’t Know About

Thanks to its chemical compounds, aspirin can be a very effective remedy to put an end to foot fungus and restore softness to this part of the body.
6 alternative uses of aspirin you don't know about

Acetylsalicylic acid, better known as aspirin, is one of the best-selling medicines worldwide due to its powerful anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anticoagulant properties.

 In fact , since ancient times , aspirin has been used to treat common pains such as headaches, muscle tension and some cold symptoms.

In addition, it has been shown to be one of the best drugs against circulatory problems and the risk of heart attacks.

What some still don’t know is that, in addition to these, there are other possible uses of aspirin as an alternative ingredient to be used in the preparation of cosmetic products and for home care.

Below we want to share with you the 6 most interesting alternative uses of aspirin so that you can take advantage of it in all possible ways. Take notes, then!

Alternative uses of aspirin

1. Homemade lip scrub

lip scrub with aspirin

Thanks to the action of its salicylic acid, aspirin is a good remedy to exfoliate and protect the delicate skin that covers the lips. Its use in fact avoids cracking and the accumulation of dead cells.


  • 1 teaspoon of brown sugar (12.5 g)
  • teaspoon of honey (7.5 g)
  • teaspoon of olive oil (5 g)
  • 2 aspirins
  • 6 drops of vitamin E

What needs to be done?

  • Grind the aspirins with a mortar until you get a fine powder.
  • Add the other ingredients and then make sure you form a thick mixture.
  • Rub the preparation on your lips and perform gentle circular massages to enhance the exfoliating effect.
  • Let the mixture act for 5 minutes and rinse.
  • Use it once a week.

2. Rejuvenating peeling

The peels are cosmetic treatments that help rejuvenate the skin by removing stains and dead skin. Although, in general, they are made with professional cosmetic products, they can also be made at home with aspirin.


  • 5 aspirins
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice (20 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (10 g)

What needs to be done?

  • Prepare a compact mixture based on aspirin and lemon juice.
  • Rub it on your clean face and leave it on for 20 minutes.
  • After this time, make gentle circular massages and rinse with cold water.
  • Apply some baking soda to neutralize the lemon acid.
  • Finish by moisturizing the skin and repeat the treatment twice a week.

3. Treatment for the feet

Foot care with aspirin

The properties of aspirin are suitable for combating foot problems such as the proliferation of fungi, dryness and calluses. In addition, its active compounds make the skin softer and create a protective barrier against germs that make them sick. 


  • 5 aspirins
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice (5 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of water (10 ml)

What needs to be done?

  • Grind the aspirins and mix the powder with the lemon juice and the tablespoon of water.
  • After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, rub it on dry skin and leave it to act for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water and use a pumice stone to remove dead skin.
  • Repeat the treatment three times a week and supplement it with the use of a moisturizer.

4. Stain removers and whiteners

The power of acetylsalicylic acid removes dirt and sweat stains that alter the natural tone of whites.


  • 5 aspirins
  • Water (the necessary one)

What needs to be done?

  • Mash the aspirins and add some water until you get a thick paste.
  • Rub the product on the sweat stains and let it act for 15 minutes.
  • Carry out the usual wash cycle and admire your renewed garments.

5. Ingrown hair

Leg cream

The exfoliating qualities of aspirin are ideal for solving the discomfort caused by ingrown hair, as its anti-inflammatory action reduces redness and facilitates hair extraction.


  • 1 aspirin
  • 1 teaspoon of coconut oil (7.5 g)

What needs to be done?

  • Combine the chopped aspirin with coconut oil and rub on the area to be treated.
  • Wait for it to work for 15 minutes and rinse.
  • Repeat the treatment every day until the problem goes away.

6. Detergent for the bathroom

Aspirin also serves to  remove soap and limescale residues  that remain in the sink, tub and toilet.


  • 5 aspirins
  • Liquid soap or detergent

What needs to be done?

  • Dissolve five crushed aspirins in some liquid soap or detergent and use the mix to clean the areas to be treated.
  • Let the mixture act for ten minutes and then rinse with cold water.

So, if you were part of that group of people who didn’t know these uses of aspirin, then  consider it from now on. It will surprise you!

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