How To Prepare Natural Soap With Aloe Vera And Honey

The combination of aloe vera and honey promotes dermatological regeneration and keeps the skin healthy and hydrated, as well as making it brighter.
How to make natural aloe vera and honey soap

Natural soap has always been considered a valid and effective alternative to many products on the market  for skin care and cleaning.

Being free of chemicals, it guarantees our skin more benefits, such as greater hydration, greater nourishment thanks to the natural oils it contains, the correct balance of our pH, softness and elasticity, as well as having wonderful antioxidant and tonic effects.

Surely some of you have tried a few times to prepare natural soap at home, using waste oils, soda or glycerin …

But if you have never done it and would like to know how to finally have homemade soap, natural and suitable for your skin, keep reading this article, you will not regret it!

A wonderful natural, scented soap made with healthy ingredients will be a much appreciated gift by your friends or family  on the occasion of holidays or birthdays. Let’s try to do it?

What kind of natural soap to prepare?

homemade natural soap

There are infinite varieties of natural soap, each with its specific properties and suitable for different skin types. That is why we must first understand what use we will make of it. But first let’s take a quick review:

  • oats : it is exfoliating and indicated for delicate skin.
  • snail slime : helps to rebalance the fatty acid of the skin, suitable for irritated and acne-prone skin.
  • orange or lemon : especially suitable for oily skin, it is moisturizing and refreshing.
  • aloe vera : protects and softens our skin, hydrates and regenerates it, helping to eliminate acne.
  • calendula : it is very useful for dry and delicate skin, such as those of children and babies.
  • rosehip : repairs damaged skin thanks to its great healing properties.

How to make natural soap with aloe vera and honey

In this article we will explain how to prepare aloe vera and honey soap at home, certainly the simplest to make and very useful for the care of our skin.

The combination of these two important natural ingredients, aloe and honey, is essential for the cellular regeneration of the skin, to keep it healthy, hydrated and radiant.  This natural soap can be used by the whole family.

We will teach you the easiest way to make this soap, using glycerin. In this way you will not encounter particular difficulties and you will have an excellent result already on the first attempt!

There is also another method of preparation, more complex, which involves the combination of waste oils and caustic soda ; the latter ingredient is very dangerous and could cause you harm while handling it.

So this time we will use the easiest way to ensure a successful result, in complete safety.


natural soap aloe vera and honey
  • The pulp of four branches of Aloe vera.
  • Two 250 gram glycerin bars.
  • Four spoons of honey.
  • 100 ml of olive oil.
  • The zest of one lemon.

Preparation tools

  • A glass bowl.
  • Microwave oven.
  • Mixer.


1. Microwave the bowl with the glycerine soaps and let them melt; 3 or 4 minutes is enough, checking from time to time.

2. Then put the aloe vera pulp in the bowl together with the four tablespoons of honey and the lemon zest.

3. Heat the olive oil a little. It must be lukewarm and not hot, otherwise it loses its properties.

4. With the electric blender on low power, blend the ingredients, gradually adding the lukewarm oil. It must be a homogeneous, fragrant and bright colored mixture.

5. Next, transfer the dough to a previously prepared mold. The mold must be plastic and square because this will be the shape of our homemade soap. Do not fill the mold to the brim, but leave a few centimeters free, so that it is convenient to remove it once it has solidified.

6. Then place the mold with the soap in the refrigerator to make it thicken properly. How long should it be left in the refrigerator? An internal day is recommended. After this time, we will be able to cut the soap mold into smaller shapes for everyday use.


natural aloe soap

We have chosen to use lemon and olive oil as essential oils for our soap, but you can use the oils you want and you like best : rose, orange, lavender oil …

As for the presentation, a nice solution is to obtain particular shapes (heart, oval shape …) and then wrap them in beautiful packages, sealed with elegant and personalized ribbons for your friends and family.

These homemade soaps, with their delicate fragrance and the benefits they bring to the skin, will undoubtedly be a very welcome gift.

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